
A wrapper of webpack for libs‘ pack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


webpack-2b is a wrapper of webpack. The target of this tool is creating the libs packing file in easy way.

Getting Started

First install the package: npm install webpack-2b
Building the lib file like this:

// build.js

const webpack2b = require('webpack-2b');
const libsConfig = {
    libs: [
        { src: 'async', expose: 'async' },
        { src: 'lodash', expose: 'lodash' },
        { src: './src/utils.js', expose: 'bbutils' }
    savePath: './dest/libs.js'
webpack2b.libsPack(libsConfig, (err) => {});

run node build.js, the lib file will be built and saved as ./dest/libs.js,if you want to using the libs in your page, you can do like this below:

add build action to build.js

// build.js
const pagesConfig = {
    pages: [
        { src: ['./src/home.js'], dest: './dest/home.js' },
        { src: ['./src/profile.js'], dest: './dest/profile.js' }
    externals: webpack2b.getExternals(libsConfig)
webpack2b.pagesPack(pagesConfig, (err) => {});


// src/home.js

// you can import the lib directly
import _ from 'loash';
import async from 'async';
import BBUtils from 'bbutils';

async.map([1000, 2000, 3000], function (delay, callback) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        return callback(null, delay);
    }, delay);
}, function (err, results) {

in the html

// home.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./dest/libs.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./dest/home.js"></script>

just enjoy it!

API Usage

libsPack(libsConfig, [webpackConfig], callback)

packing the libs file libsConfig - Object, libs packing config
libsConfig.libs - Array, the config array, each item is the config of a lib
libsConfig.[libs].src - String, the source path of the lib
libsConfig.[libs].expose - String, the custom name of the lib
libsConfig.savePath - String, the saving directory of the packed file
libsConfig.globalField - String, global variable(defaults: 'WEBPACK_2B', whick means window.WEBPACK_2B)
webpackConfig - Object, custom webpack config excepts entry and output
callback - Function, callback funcion

pagesPack(pagesConfig, [webpackConfig], callback)

notice the pagesPack func of the webpack-2b in version 1.x has structure bug, please use webpack-2b >=2.0.0
packing the page files
pagesConfig - Object, pages packing config
pagesConfig.pages - Array, the config array, each item is the config of a page
pagesConfig.[pages].src - Array, the source path of the page
pagesConfig.[pages].name - String, the file name of the page
pagesConfig.externals - Object, the externals lib which will not be packed into the dest file
pagesConfig.destDir - String, the save directory of the page
webpackConfig - String, custom webpack config excepts entry, output, externals
callback - Function, callback funcion


Get the externals config by libsConfig
libsConfig - Object, libs packing config
return - the externals which will be used in pagesPack


Just see examples folder
