Laravel package to generate and to validate a UUID according to the RFC 4122 standard. Only support for version 1, 3, 4 and 5 UUID are built-in. and generate number id, generate primary key
Base on laravel-uuid
Thanks to laravel-uuid
In Laravel 5.5 laravel-uuid will install via the new package discovery feature so you only need to add the package to your composer.json file
composer require "wujunze/laravel-id-generate"
after installation you should see
Discovered Package: wujunze/laravel-id-generate
and you are ready to go
To quickly generate a UUID just do
This will generate a version 1 IdGen object
with a random generated MAC address.
To echo out the generated UUID, cast it to a string
(string) IdGen::generate()
Generate a version 1, time-based, UUID. You can set the optional node to the MAC address. If not supplied it will generate a random MAC address.
Generate a version 3, name-based using MD5 hashing, UUID
IdGen::generate(3,'test', IdGen::NS_DNS);
Generate a version 4, truly random, UUID
Generate a version 5, name-based using SHA-1 hashing, UUID
IdGen::generate(5,'test', IdGen::NS_DNS);
Generate sample primary key
Generate id by type and share key
Generate id by type
Generate code
IdGen::genCode(9, 9, 888);
Generate SnowFlake Id
To import a UUID
$uuid = IdGen::import('d3d29d70-1d25-11e3-8591-034165a3a613');
Extract the time for a time-based UUID (version 1)
$uuid = IdGen::generate(1);
Extract the version of an UUID
$uuid = IdGen::generate(4);
If you want an UUID magically be generated in your Laravel models, just add this boot method to your Model.
* Setup model event hooks
public static function boot()
self::creating(function ($model) {
$model->uuid = (string) IdGen::generate(4);
This will generate a version 4 UUID when creating a new record.
If you want to use the UUID in URLs instead of the primary key, you can add this to your model (where 'uuid' is the column name to store the UUID)
* Get the route key for the model.
* @return string
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'uuid';
When you inject the model on your resource controller methods you get the correct record
public function edit(Model $model)
return view('someview.edit')->with([
'model' => $model,
Just use like any other Laravel validator.
'uuid-field' => 'uuid'
'uuid-field' => 'gen_id'
Or create a validator from scratch. In the example an IdGen object in validated. You can also validate strings $uuid->string
, the URN $uuid->urn
or the binary value $uuid->bytes
$uuid = IdGen::generate();
$genId= IdGen::getSamplePk();
$validator = Validator::make(['uuid' => $uuid], ['uuid' => 'uuid'], ['gen_id' => $genId]);
Full details on the UUID specification can be found on
Snowflake is a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees.