
Smart Recruiting Assistant

Primary LanguagePython

Smart Recruiting Assistant


Steps to launch the project


  • MySQL 5.6+
  • Java 1.8+
  • Maven 3.0+


cd recruiting-assistant/
mvn package -DskipTests


Execute the following SQLs to create the database and user with proper authorities.

create database recruiting_assistant
create user 'recruiting_assistant'@'localhost' identified by 'recruiting_assistant';
grant all on recruiting_assistant.* to 'recruiting_assistant'@'localhost';


The package has embedded Tomcat. You can launch the server by the following command.

cd target/
java -jar recruiting-assistant-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

You should not close this shell.


Access the following URL to generate default accounts.


You can change the server port in application.properties.


Dashboard and Default Accounts

After finished the above steps, you can access http://localhost:8888/admin to sign in the Dashboard.

You should use the following default accounts for the first time.

  • Super Administrator:
    • username: admin
    • password: admin
  • Company Manager:
    • username: sap
    • password: sap

Users and Authorities

Super Administrators can create, list, update and delete companies, users and tags. But Company Managers can only modify the information of their own company.

One company allows to have multiple managers, but one manager can only belong to one company.


Please refer to document\api.md.