Note 1: This repo has been linked to overleaf.

Note 2: This repository has been uploaded to our svn server with a new name cc20fusion.

Conference Information

ACM SIGPLAN 2020 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2020)

Time table

Important Time Message Status
Oct. 25, 2019 Abstract Submission Submitted
Nov. 1, 2019 Paper Submission Submitted
Dec. 4-6, 2019 Author Rebuttal Period Submitted
Dec. 13, 2019 Artifact Submission Submitted
Dec. 24, 2019 Paper Notification Accepted
Feb. 22-23, 2020 Conference Dates In Plan


  • acmart-sigplanproc-template.tex
  • double-blind review
  • 10 pages, excluding references (unlimited, require full names of all authors)
  • ACM latex template source code
  • artifact should be submitted 10 days before the rebuttal phase


Generating a PDF

Command-line option


IDE option (TexMaker)

- open main.tex
- choose the pdfLaTex compiler

Overleaf option (Online)

- select main.tex
- choose recompile

Run with script

See all options


Prepare latex source code for submission

./ src   ## save to

Compare the camera-ready version and the draft-review version

./ diff


Versions controlled by specific macros in paper.tex

  • paper mode, with macro \shortpaper (default)
  • technical report mode, with macro \techreport