
documentation for developers about wasteof.money.


the "officially unofficial" wasteof.money developer documentation.


a repository documentating nearly everything that a developer might want to know about wasteof.money. the categories will hopefully guide you in the right direction into finding what you're looking for.

(note: "wasteof" is short for wasteof.money, in case you were confused about that.)


mostly for two reasons, those being:

  1. it gets exhausting trying to find new endpoints.
  2. there wasn't any public documentation before wasteof2-docs came.

(while official documentation for the site was in the works, it was never finished and was never published.)

but also... it would be nice if there was a big hub that contain all the documentation about the different APIs used around the wasteof.money ecosystem.


this project originally started in 2021 as a fun side project, just me and a text document in notepad listing down all of the endpoints i found along the way. then, i created the wasteof2-docs repository because managing a text document in notepad wasn't very fun and it was also very messy. after a little while, the wasteof.money 3 beta became public and so did wasteof3-docs.

finally, i decided to scratch all of that and to instead make this, where all of the documentation would go instead of being seperated into several different repositories.


in front of you.


browser devtools, reverse engineering of the several sites, and generally taking notes.


no problem.


if you want to contribute to this repository in some meaningful way, you can definitely help out by:

  • creating an issue
  • creating a new pull request
  • and/or yelling at me about something (suggestions, problems with the documentation, etc.)

just try to keep issues and pull requests relevant to the repository.


i don't think this needs a license, to be honest.


view the THANKS.md file.