
This extension change the background image of editor.

Primary LanguageC#


This extension change the background image of editor.

ver 2.2.x

Current version decrease flickering, maybe. However Image fade interval option doesn't support in slideshow because sequelae by this update. And if you want to expand image to IDE, ClaudiaIDE is not require theme editor. ClaudiaIDE automaticaly set to transparent some backgrounds (e.g. text editor) when "expand to IDE" option is true. if you want to transparent in solution explorer and other some windows, you should use theme editor as yet.

And if you set to enable of "User hardware graphics acceleration if available", you can more decrease flickering, personally.

hardware acceleration

ver 2.1.0

Support versions changed as follows:

  • Visual Studio 2017 (15.8 or later)
  • Visual Studio 2019 (preview or RTM)

Braking Changes

Visual Studio 2019 (16.1) extensions can support AsyncPackage only. ClaudiaIDE's this version change to AsyncPackage.

AsyncPackage can support Visual Studio 2015 or later. I decided move to forward and I don't support old Visual Studio versions (2017 15.8 or earlier). If you want to use this extension on old Visual Studio versions (2017 15.8 or earlier), you can use 1.28.6.

  • If you already install 2.0.x to Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017 (15.8 or ealier), you will uninstall 2.0.x and re-install 1.28.6 ClaudiaIDE.vsix.

ver 1.28.6

Support Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1

ver 1.26

Support Visual Studio 2017 (RTM)

ver 1.24

  • Add feature (beta) : background image expand to IDE.
    • Known issue: If background image expand to IDE, editor background does not show when editor was moved to floating window with slideshow until next image.

How to expand to IDE

  1. Open option menu in Visual Studio (Tools -> Options)

  2. Expand to IDE property set to True in ClaudiaIDE option page.

    copy theme

  3. Customise Visual Studio theme using color theme editor (E.g. Visual Studio 2015 Color Theme Editor)

  4. Click "Create Copy of Theme" button, And "Edit Theme"

    copy theme Edit theme

  5. Customise some colors opacity as follows (your own risk) :

    Edit opacity

  • Solution Explorer

    • TreeView -> Background
  • IDE and text editor

    • Environment -> Window
    • Environment -> EnvironmentBackground
    • Environment -> EnvironmentBackgroundGradientBegin
    • Environment -> EnvironmentBackgroundGradientEnd
    • Environment -> EnvironmentBackgroundGradientMiddle1
    • Environment -> EnvironmentBackgroundGradientMiddle2
  • Window Title

    • Environment -> MainWindowActiveCaption
    • Environment -> MainWindowInactiveCaption
  • Command Bar

    • Environment -> CommandShelfBackgroundGradientBegin
    • Environment -> CommandShelfBackgroundGradientEnd
    • Environment -> CommandShelfBackgroundGradientMiddle
    • Environment -> CommandShelfHighlightGradientBegin
    • Environment -> CommandShelfHighlightGradientEnd
    • Environment -> CommandShelfHighlightGradientMiddle
    • Environment -> CommandBarGradientBegin
    • Environment -> CommandBarGradientEnd
    • Environment -> CommandBarGradientMiddle
    • Environment -> CommandBarToolBarBorder
  • Example:


ver 1.23

  • Add image stretch feature and improve performance

ver 1.19

  • Additional support Visual Studio "15" Preview
  • Can specifie max image size.

ver 1.18

  • Add slideshow feature.
  • Support Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015


ClaudiaIDE (Visual Studio Gallery)


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