Modify the following files after forge build

  • lib/protocol-contracts/contracts/evm/interfaces/ZetaInteractorErrors.sol
  • lib/protocol-contracts/contracts/evm/interfaces/ZetaInterfaces.sol
  • lib/protocol-contracts/contracts/evm/tools/ZetaInteractor.sol

Other Repos

Frontend :

Simple Server ( chainlink functions ) :

Omnichain governor standard


Discover an advanced smart contract standard enabling seamless omnichain governance integration into DAOs. Experience heightened scalability and cross-chain collaboration within decentralized ecosystems. Embrace this cutting-edge standard to elevate decentralized governance to new heights.

How's made

Composed of 5 core smart contracts :

  1. MultichainGovernor.sol

    This contract is inherited and deployed on the settlement chain (i.e. Polygon)

  2. MultichainGovernorAdapter.sol

    This contract is deployed on side chains (i.e. BSC)

  3. MultichainGovernorFunctionsConsumer

    This contract is deployed on settlement chain (i.e. Polygon)

  4. MultichainGovernorVotes

    This contract is deployed on settlement chain (i.e. Polygon)

  5. MultichainGovernorVotesAdapter

    This contract is deployed on side chains (i.e. BSC)

IMPORTANT : Contracts and their adapters deployed on side chains will have similar ABIs for seemless integration in the FE.

alt text

Technologies Used


Zetachain offers seamless integration for cross chain messaging, which enables us to implement our new standard. We used it here


Chainlink offers an alternative for integrating cross chain messaging : CCIP which enables us to implement our new standard. We used chainlink functions here


IDKit for Identity Verification: IDKit is used for identity verification within FootyDAO (our PoC for omnichain governor standard) . As DAOs often require participants to comply with specific rules and regulations, verifying the identity of participants could be essential for ensuring fair and transparent operations. here


The PUSH protocol in FootyDAO (our PoC for omnichain governor standard) is used for real-time communication , updates, match notifications etc, the code is here


We used polygon as our settlement layer due to the vast applications and protocols it has.

Deployed Contracts

Contract Goerli Mumbai
MultichainGovernor.sol X link
MultichainGovernorAdapter.sol link X
MultichainGovernorFunctionsConsumer X link
MultichainGovernorVotes X link
MultichainGovernorVotesAdapter here X


PoC Live

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Pitch Deck


// polygonMumbai
forge script script/Main.s.sol:ScriptPolygon --rpc-url polygonMumbai --etherscan-api-key NDZZQB529Q8HQAUXZEARWCHGZBRGDMSEYC --verifier-url --broadcast --verify --legacy
// bscTesnet 
forge script script/Main.s.sol:ScriptBsc --rpc-url bscTestnet --etherscan-api-key IG2WK5KH5CFH1DRYU42MXHHCCCJDWX65RD --verifier-url --broadcast --verify --legacy
// goerli
forge script script/Main.s.sol:ScriptGoerli --rpc-url goerli --etherscan-api-key Y6H9S7521BGREFMGSETVA72F1HT74FE3M5 --verifier-url --broadcast --verify --legacy