
Single-cell Bisulfite Sequencing Data Mapping

Primary LanguagePerl


  • Description: Single-cell Bisulfite Sequencing Data Mapping. scBS-map includes 5 steps:

  • Version: 1.0.0

  • System requirements

    • Install SAMtools

      • wget samtools-*.tar.bz2
      • tar -xjvf samtools-*.tar.bz2
      • cd samtools-*
      • ./configure --prefix=/samtools_install_path/
      • make
      • make install
      • export PATH=/samtools_install_path/:$PATH
    • Install bowtie2

      • wget bowtie2-*.zip
      • unzip bowtie2-*.zip
      • export PATH=/bowtie2_install_path/:$PATH
    • Install BS-Seeker2

      • wget BSseeker2*.zip
      • unzip BSseeker2*.zip
      • export PATH=/BSseeker2_install_path/:$PATH
  • Usage: perl scBS-map.pl [options] [-f <.fastq>] [-g <genome.fa>] [-o <out.bam>]

    -l    Length of trimming bases from the 5' end of the read [default: 10].
    -p    Number of threads. [default: 12].
    -s    Path to samtools eg. /home/user/bin/samtools
          - By default, we try to search samtools in system PATH.
    -a    Path to bs_seeker2-align eg. /home/user/bin/bs_seeker2-align.py
          - By default, we try to search bs_seeker2-ailgn in system PATH.
    -b    Path to bs_seeker2-build eg. /home/user/bin/bs_seeker2-build.py
          - By default, we try to search bs_seeker2-build in system PATH.
    -w    Logical to determine if the genome index needs to be built or not [default: FALSE].
    -n    Length of removing microhomology regions from bam files [default: 10].
    -k    Logical to determine whether to keep temporary files [default: FALSE].
    -f    File name for sequencing reads, .fastq format.
          - a compressed file (.fastq.gz) is also supported.
    -g    Genome file name, fasta format.
    -o    Output file name, bam format.
    -h    Help message.
  • Example: perl scBS-map.pl -l 9 -p 40 -n 10 -f Sample1.R1.fastq.gz -g hg38.fa -o Sample1.R1.bam

  • Output files:

    • .end2end.bam: Output file by end-to-end mode, .bam format.

    • .local.bam: Output file by local mode, .bam format.

    • .unaligned.fq: Unaligned reads, .fq format.

    • .multihits.fq: Multiple-hits reads, .fq format.

    • .out.bam: Final alignment file, .bam format

    • .scBS-map.report: Report for the alignment results.

      scBS-map report for test sample
      Number of reads: 10000
      Number of bases: 1312217
      Number of reads after quality control: 9852
      Number of bases after quality control: 1219137
      Number of mapped reads using the end-to-end mode: 2827
      Number of mapped bases using the end-to-end mode: 356285
      Number of mapped reads using the local mode: 1427
      Number of mapped bases using the local mode: 98277
      Number of unmapped reads: 4688
      Number of multi-hits reads: 910
      Number of mapped reads in total: 4254
      Mappability in total: 42.54%
      Number of mapped bases in total: 454562
      Mappability at base level in total: 34.64%
  • Note: scBS-map includes 5 subcommands. You can directly run the scBS-map.pl command for the entire pipeline or select one of the following subcommonds according to your own needs.

  • Subcommands:

    1. qcreads:

      • Description: Trim low quality sequences.

      • Usage: perl qcreads.pl [-f <.fastq>] [-l length] [-o output]

        -f FILE               File name for sequencing data, fastq format.
        -l INT                Length of removed bases from the 5' end of the read [default: 10].
        -o OUTFILE            Output file name, .fastq.gz format.
      • Example: perl qcreads.pl -f Sample.R1.fastq.gz -l 10 -o Sample.R1.trim.fastq.gz

    2. align-end2end:

      • Description: Perform end-to-end alignment on clean reads.

      • Usage: perl align-end2end.pl [-f input<.fastq>] [-g genome<.fa>] [-p threads] [-u unmappedreads] [-o output]

        -f FILE               File name for clean data, fastq format.
        -g FILE               Genome file name, fasta format.
        -p INT                Number of launching threads [default: 12].
        -u OUTFILE            File name for unmapped reads if needed.
        -o OUTFILE            Output file name, bam format.
      • Example: perl align-end2end.pl -f Sample.R1.trim.fastq.gz -g hg38.genome.fa -p 40 -u Sample.R1.unmapped.bam -o Sample.R1.end2end.bam

    3. align-local:

      • Description: Perform local alignment on clean reads.

      • Usage: perl align-local.pl [-f input<.fastq>] [-g genome<.fa>] [-p threads] [-o output]

        -f FILE               File name for clean data, fastq format.
        -g FILE               Genome file name, fasta format.
        -p INT                Number of launching threads [default: 12].
        -o OUTFILE            Output file name, bam format.
      • Example: perl align-local.pl -f Sample.R1.clean.fastq.gz -g hg38.genome.fa -p 40 -o Sample.R1.local.bam

    4. qcbam:

      • Description: Remove the low confidence alignments within microhomology regions

      • Usage: perl qcbam.pl [-f <in.bam>] [-n number] [-p threads] [-o <out.bam>]

        -f FILE               File name for local alignment, bam format.
        -n INT                Number of trimming bases [default: 10]
        -p INT                Number of launching threads [default: 12].
        -o OUTFILE            Output file name, bam format.
      • Example: perl qcbam.pl -f Sample.R1.local.bam -n 10 -o Sample.R1.local.hc.bam

    5. mergebam:

      • Description: Merge alignments from end-to-end and local mapping if available

      • Usage: perl mergebam.pl [-e <.end2end.bam>] [-l <.local.bam>] [-p threads] [-o output]

        -e FILE               File name of end2end alignment, .bam format.
        -l FILE               File name of local alignment, .bam format.
        -p INT                Number of launching threads [default: 12].
        -o OUTFILE            Output file name, bam format.
      • Example: perl mergebam.pl -e Sample.R1.end2end.bam -l Sample.R1.local.hc.bam -p 40 -o Sample.R1.merge.bam

  • Contact:

    Peng Wu; wupeng1@ihcams.ac.cn