Primary LanguagePython

M-JAVE: Multimodal Joint Attribute Value Extraction

Implementation for EMNLP-2020 paper: Multimodal Joint Attribute Prediction and Value Extraction for E-commerce Product


We collect a multimodal product attribute value dataset with textual product descriptions and product images.


All 87,194
Train 71,194
Valid 8,000
Test 8,000

We sampled a tiny subset and put it here, so that you can run the code immediately after cloning.

If you are interested in the entire dataset, please:

  1. fill out this application form
  2. email us (zhutiangang3@jd.com, lihaoran24@jd.com or wangyue274@jd.com)

Replace the following files with the full version:

  - jdai.jave.fashion.train.sample
  - jdai.jave.fashion.valid.sample
  - jdai.jave.fashion.test.sample

One instance in a row, and there are 4 columns:

  1. cid, id of the document, a cid may corresponds to multiple instances which share the same item image.
  2. sid, id of the sentence, a sid corresponds to one instance.
  3. text sentence (unlabelled).
  4. text sentence (labelled), in which labelled attribute values are surrounded by <ATTRIBUTE_NAME> and </ATTRIBUTE_NAME>

Then run ./data/data_process.py to produce the data for model running.

  - input.seq # input seqs of word
  - output.seq # output seqs of bio tokens
  - output.label # output labels of attributes 
  - indexes # record the cid and sid of each instance


Procedures, which encode texts and images with pre-trained BERT and ResNet, are not included here. You should download pre-trained models and encode the text and image of each instance with them by yourself, after you get the full version dataset. Then replace the following files:

  - txts.embedded.npy # text encoded by pre-trained bert, shape=[instance_num, seq_len, hidden_dim]
  - txts.embeddedG.npy # vectors of [CLS] encoded by a pre-trained bert, shape=[instance_num, hidden_dim]
  - sids_of_txts # sid index of above two files
  - imgs.embedded.npy # image encoded by pre-trained resnet(last conv layer), shape=[image_num, 7*7, hidden_dim]
  - imgs.embeddedG.npy # image encoded by pre-trained resnet(last pooling layer), shape=[image_num, hidden_dim]
  - cids_of_imgs # cid index of above two files

References of how we implement:

BERT: https://github.com/google-research/bert/

ResNet: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torchvision/models.html


Python 3, Tensorflow 1.12

Training & Testing

python3 train.py
python3 predict.py


Any questions about the code, please contact wangyue274@jd.com