
The current project demonstrates how the new Metrics API of .NET can be used to produce metrics for Prometheus

Primary LanguageC#

Monitoring with OpenTelemetry and System.Diagnostics.Metrics API

The current project demonstrates how the new Metrics API of .NET can be used to produce metrics for Prometheus. It contains two sources of Metrics:

  • ApiApplicationJob - represents handling HTTP requests
  • BatchApplicationJob - represents background worker that does batch processing

To test the how Metrics are created and updated:

  • Build and run project with dotnet run --project src/MonitoringExample.csproj
  • Open multiple times endpoint http://localhost:5000 to emulate HTTP requests
  • Open http://localhost:5000/metrics endpoint to see produced Metrics

To view Metrics using dotnet-counters:

  • Install tool dotnet tool install --global dotnet-counters
  • Run application
  • Find application pid with dotnet counters ps
  • Run tool dotnet counters monitor --process-id {pid} --counters ApiApplicationJobMeter,BatchApplicationJobMeter