
A lua filter for styling R code in Quarto

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Quarto filter which applies styler::style_text() to R code blocks in a Quarto document. This is currently very basic and was mainly created as a learning exercise.


To install this extension in your current directory (or into the Quarto project that you're currently working in), use the following command:

quarto install extension wurli/r-styler


To apply automatic styling to R code chunks in your Quarto document, use the filters field in the document's YAML frontmatter like so:

title: R-Styler Example
   - r-styler

Here's some nicely formatted code:

library(  dplyr , warn.conf = FALSE)

starwars |> filter( height > 100,
  species == "Human") |>
   select(1 : 3)

The above code will be styled according to the tidyverse style guide to appear as follows:

library(dplyr, warn.conf = FALSE)

starwars |>
    height > 100,
    species == "Human"
  ) |>

Why use this filter?

You shouldn't - it's much better to write well-styled code in the first place. However you may want to use it to render someone else's poorly-styled document.