
Primary LanguageShell

Developer Environment


  • Docker Macs Linux
  • Docker Compose Mac/Linux
  • Repo requires a git clone --recursive (git 1+) or git clone --recurse-submodules (git 2+) depending on your version of of git


  • bash set-up.sh


  • bash destroy.sh
    • This script will prompt you to:
      • Stop all containers
      • Destroy all containers
      • Destroy all Volumes

Working in Containers

  • Login to a container
    • sudo docker exec -it [<container_hostname>] bash
  • Get logs from a container
    • sudo docker-compose logs -f [<container_name>]
  • Show running status and ports of a container
    • sudo docker-compose ps
  • Build and Start all containers
    • sudo docker-compose up -d --build
  • Stop all containers
    • sudo docker-compose kill
  • Delete inactive containers
    • sudo docker system prune -a -f
  • Remove Volumes
    • sudo docker volume prune -f