
Messing around with WoW file formats

Primary LanguageC#

WoW Format Test

Messing around with parsing WoW file formats for educational purposes. Built from the ground up, but with lots of copy pasta from older projects (noted in thanks paragraph).

Supported expansions

Built for (latest) Legion files. Backwards compatibility with Warlords of Draenor not guaranteed. Mists of Pandaria and lower probably won't work at all.

MPQ support is currently not planned. Very basic support for the new CASC file format introduced in Warlords of Draenor is present..


If you have World of Warcraft (7.0 or higher) fully installed you can use your installed data instead of falling back to downloading stuff. To set this up, simply change the basedir setting in (executable).config to the directory that contains WoW.exe.


  • OpenTK (recent version already included)


Main projects

OBJExporterUI (Official site)

Exports various WoW model formats to Wavefront .obj. Primary application.

WoWOpenGL (Official site)

After some issues and annoyances with DirectX I decided to switch over to OpenTK/OpenGL. Somewhat deprecated since OBJExporterUI has a model viewer included.


Does parsing of WoW's raw data files and returns them in a object that other applications can use. Handles CASC (WoW's filesystem), file parsing.


Compiles minimaps. Not important, but still actively developed as I will need it for my other projects soon.

Test projects


App used to test CASC (file system) related things.


App used to test DBC structures.


First app used to test some formats with.


Eventual replacement project for WoWOpenGL.


Generates heightmaps. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Making a color heightmap from a WDL file, code ported from Noggit to C#. Based on a simple OpenTK example.

Discontinued/archived projects


Got data from WoWFormatLib and did some preprocessing before going to WoWFormatUI.


Initial test of rendering, gets data from WoWRenderLib and tries to display it in DirectX. No longer actively developed.


Rendering test with WPF.

Thanks (in no particular order)

  • Schlumpf
  • Warpten
  • Thoorium
  • Deamon87
  • Miceiken
  • Kirth
  • relaxok
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • Gredys
  • flippy84
  • justMaku
  • Xalcon
  • BoogieMan
  • Everyone in #modcraft on QuakeNet
  • WoWDev wiki authors (especially schlumpf!!!!)
  • ..and all the people the above people base their work on

Last updated on April 28th 2017