• QR Code Qt5 App

    • requirements:
    • usb webcam
    • IR sensor
  • How does it work:

    • the app checks the IR sensor state every second
    • if the sensor state changes, the app performs the following actions:
    • a snapshot is taken with the webcam
    • the snapshot is analyzed for any QR Code
    • if a QR Code is found and successfully decoded:
    • the decoded string is passed on to the QML presentation layer and the text box is updated
    • the snapshot image is passed on to the QML presentation layer and the image frame is updated
  • TO DO:

  • incorporate a white LED to simulate the camera flash effect

  • drop the "streamer" dependency - use GSTreamer with usb webcam support and Qt5 integration

  • incorporate an NFC shield

  • port the solution to other embedded devices > cubieboard family