
A small library for embedding a wry web-view into Bevy apps

What Works

  • Syncing the web-view's position and size to a bevy_ui element.
  • Input, transparency
    • Free thanks to wry
  • MacOS, Windows, Linux (w/ X11)

To-Do List

  • Decent Documentation
  • Allow Despawning of WebViews
  • Better Modularity
    • Possibly encompass into a larger library with different web-view backends
  • Off-screen Rendering
  • Better Platform Support
    • Mobile
    • Web support (ironic right)
    • Wayland
      • Seemingly impossible
  • Occlusion by other bevy_ui elements
    • This works using overlay windows, so occlusion would likely involve a lot of jank
  • IPC Support


CrabNebula and the Wry team - Worked with us to get an embeddable web-view implemented, a surprisingly difficult but interesting task

Nicopap - Served as the main source of Bevy knowledge through all of this, helped us understand the problem scope of the Bevy side a ton