A game news aggregrator
👆 scan the qr code the to the wechat miniprogram
👀 view the news on git-history
📜 Currently supported site:
- https://indienova.com/channel/news
- https://www.gamersky.com/news/pc/zx/
- https://www.gcores.com/news
- http://www.gamelook.com.cn/page/2
- http://www.sfw.cn/game
- https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/
- https://gouhuo.qq.com/
- http://nga.cn/v/games/
- https://www.vgtime.com/topic/index.jhtml
- http://www.ign.xn--fiqs8s/
directory holds a scrapy script will extract the news on the sites above
directory holds a RESTful api for the news
github actions will run the scrapy script on 42 */4 * * *
(At minute 42 past every 4th hour)
pip install scrapy
cd spider
chmod +x spider/run_spider.sh
pip install uvicorn
cd app
uvicorn app.main:app --reload