Based on the brilliant work of AiYinZiLeGong and many others on that fork, wouldn't be possible without them. Get one of the other versions working before you try use this one.
You can't filter level 3 gear (always enabled)
- HOME -> Show / Hide Compass
- NUMPAD_0 -> Filter Throwables
- NUMPAD_1 -> Filter Attachments
- NUMPAD_2 -> Filter Scopes
- NUMPAD_3 -> Filter Ammo
- NUMPAD_4 -> Filter Weapons
- NUMPAD_5 -> Filter Level 2 Gear
- NUMPAD_6 -> Filter Meds
- F6 -> Toggle Vehicle Names
- F7 -> Toggle Vehicles
- F11 -> Toggle View Line
- NUMPAD_7 -> Scouting
- NUMPAD_8 -> Scout/Loot
- NUMPAD_9 -> Looting
- F9 -> Camera Zoom ++
- F10 -> Camera Zoom --
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "Middle PC IP" PortFilter "Game PC IP"
You can replay a PCAP file in offline mode:
java -jar target\pubg-radar-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "Middle PC IP" PortFilter "Game PC IP" Offline