Vacuum Filter


Vacuum filter is an approximate set-membership query data structure based on cuckoo filter. Vacuum filters costs the smallest space among all known AMQ data structure (when enabling semi-sorting optimization) and provides higher insertion and lookup throughput in most situations. It also support batch-mode operations that significantly increase the throughput.

Our paper will appear in VLDB 2020.

Paper Link:

Repository Structure

We implemented two versions of vacuum filters. One is implemented from scratch, which supports arbitrary fingerprint length from 6 to 16. Another one is implemented based on Bin Fan's cuckoo filter(, which provides higher throughputs.

  1. vacuum.h : The VF implemented from scratch (more flexible).
  2. ModifiedCuckooFilter : The VF implemented based on cuckoo filter (faster).


make test


Here is a small example of VF's APIs.

VacuumFilter<uint16_t, 16> vf; // vacuum filter with 16-bit fingerprint
vf.init(n, 4, 400); // vf.init(max_item_numbers, slots per bucket, max_kick_steps)
vf.insert(999); // vf.insert(item), item is a 64-bit integer
vf.lookup(999); // true
vf.del(999); // vf.del(item), item should exist in the filter
vf.lookup(999); // false

For the details, check out test.cpp. It contains two detailed examples of those two versions of VFs and one example of the batch-mode VF.
