The implementation of reranking method proposed in Multi-Level Interaction Reranking with User Behavior History


tensorflow-gpu >= 1.9.0,<2
numpy >= 1.16.4
scikit-learn >= 0.21.2
lightgbm >= 2.3.2

Get Started

Download data from Ad and PRM Public, and preprocess

python preprocess_ad.py
python preprocess_prm.py

Run initial ranker

python run_init_ranker.py

Run re-ranker

python run_mir.py

Model parameters can be set by using a config file, and specify its file path at --setting_path, e.g., python run_ranker.py --setting_path config. The config files for the different models can be found in config/ad/ and config/prm/. Moreover, model parameters can also be directly set from the command line. The supported parameters are listed as follows.

Parameters of run_init_ranker.py

argument usage
--data_dir The path to the directory where the data is stored
--save_dir The path to the directory where the models and logs are stored
--model_type The algorithm of reranker, including DNN, DIN, and LambdaMART
PLEASE ATTENTION: Before training lambdaMART, you need to train DNN to
get the pre-trained embedding
--setting_path The path to the json config file, like files in example\config
--max_hist_len The max length of history
--data_set_name The name of the dataset, such as ad and prm
--epoch_num The number of epoch for DNN model
--batch_size Batch size for DNN model
--lr Learning rate for DNN and lambdaMART
--l2_reg The coefficient of l2 regularization for DNN model
--eb_dim The size of embedding for DNN model
--tree_num The number of trees for lambdaMART model
--tree_type The type of tree for lambdaMART model, including lgb and sklearn
Parameters of run_mir.py
argument usage
--data_dir The path to the directory where the data is stored
--save_dir The path to the directory where the models and logs are stored
--setting_path The path to the json config file, like files in example\config
--data_set_name The name of the dataset, such as ad and prm
--initial_ranker The name of initial ranker, including DNN, lambdaMART.
--epoch_num The number of epoch
--max_hist_len The max length of history
--batch_size Batch size
--lr Learning rate
--l2_reg The coefficient of l2 regularization
--eb_dim The size of embedding
--hidden_size The size of hidden unit, usually the hideen size of LSTM/GRU
--keep_prob Keep prob in dropout
--metric_scope The scope of metrics, for example when --metric_scope=[1, 3, 5],
MAP@1, MAP@3, and MAP@5 will be computed
--max_norm The max norm of gradient clip


Data processing

We process two datasets, Ad and PRM Public, containing user and item features with recommendation lists for the experimentation with personalized re-ranking.

preprocess_ad.py and preprocess_prm.py: process Ad and PRM Public, respectively.

Initial rankers

initial_model.py implements three initial ranking algorithms:

run_init_ranker.py: the main function of initial ranker

Re-ranking algorithm

model.py: the implementation of our proposed reranking method, MIR.

run_mir.py: the main function of reranker.