
Tiny level logging for Go

Primary LanguageGo


Package glog implements a simple level logging package based on golang's standard log and glog package. It has fully compatible interface to standard log package. It defines a type, Logger, with methods for formatting output.

Basic examples:

options := glog.LogOptions{
	File: "./abc.log",
	Flag: glog.LstdFlags,
	Level: glog.Ldebug,
	Mode: glog.R_None,
logger, err := glog.New(options)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug("hello world")
logger.Infof("hello, %s", "chasex")
logger.Warn("testing message")

The output contents in abc.log will be:

2016/02/16 17:50:07 DEBUG hello world
2016/02/16 17:50:07 INFO hello, chasex
2016/02/16 17:50:07 WARN testing message

It also support rotating log file by size, hour or day. According to rotate mode, log file name has distinct suffix:

R_None: no suffix, just base name, abc.log.
R_Size: suffix with date and clock, abc.log-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.
R_Hour: suffix with date and hour, abc.log-YYYYMMDD-HH.
R_Day:  suffix with date, abc.log-YYYYMMDD.

Note that it has a daemon routine flushing buffered data to underlying file periodically (default every 30s). When exit, remember calling Flush() manually, otherwise it may cause some date loss.

For more details see document: https://godoc.org/github.com/chasex/glog