
Log analysis tool for RoboCup Soccer Simulation 2D

Data obtained

  • Date
  • Our team name
  • Opp team name
  • Our final team point
  • Opp final team point
  • Our penalty shootout point
  • Opp penalty shootout point
  • Final result (win = 3, lose = 0, draw = 1)
  • Our domination time
  • Opp domination time
  • Our possession
  • Opp possession
  • Number our yellow cards
  • Number opp yellow cards
  • Number of our passes
  • Number of our passes (only left direction)
  • Number of our passes (only right direction)
  • Number of our passes (only front direction)
  • Number of our passse (only back direction)
  • Number of opp passes
  • Number of opp passes (only left direction)
  • Number of opp passes (only right direction)
  • Number of opp passes (only front direction)
  • Number of opp passes (only back direction)
  • Number of our through passes
  • Number of opp through passes
  • Number of our successed tackles
  • Number of our failed tackles
  • Number of opp successed tackles
  • Number of opp failed tackles
  • Number of our shoots
  • Number of opp shoots
  • Our point
  • Opp point
  • Number of our dribbles
  • Number of opp dribbles
  • Number of entering into ball opp penalty area
  • Number of entering into ball our penalty area (currently not worked, always returns -1)
  • Number of our disconnected players
  • Number of opp disconnected players

How to Use

Add path

if you add export PATH="/path/to/loganalyzer3:$PATH" at the bottom of the "~/.bashrc", you can use loganalyzer3 everywhere

Required libraries

  • matplotlib
    • If you want to plot "Kick distribution" or "Kick sequence", latex environment is required.
    • sudo apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended dvipng msttcorefonts
  • cython (if you compile it)

you can get all required libraries by the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile cython

you can compile cython files (work for only Ubuntu OS)


you can also use this analyzer without compilation

Clean cython files



Examples of options

debug mode:


output to stdout when and who do pass, and output figures of action_sequences and kick_distributions

each cycle mode:


output all intermediate results for each cycle

Examples of Execution

  • loganalyzer3 /path/to/dir --side l --output-dir /path/to/savedir/
  • loganalyzer3 /path/to/file --side l --debug
  • loganalyzer3 /path/to/dir --team HELIOS_base --each-cycle


  • Data are outputted in csv format
  • File name is determined by the target teams (e.g. HELIOS_base.csv)
  • Save directory is same as the directory at which you execute loganalyzer3