
A Staff Clock-In System, this application will be used to track when a staff clocks in & out of the office. Built with JavaScript, Nodejs, React, Redux,

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Releaf Clockin System

This application will be used to track when a staff clock in & out of the office. It is developed using the frontend and backend pattern. It requires a staff to login into the system to be able to clockin/clockout once day, view his/profile, update his/her profile, view list of all staff and logout

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

NODE_ENV = development




Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/wuyepabdul/releaf-clock-in-system

Go to the project directory

  cd releaf-clock-in-system

Install dependencies

  npm install

Go to the frontend directory inside releaf-clock-in-system directory

  cd frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Go to the root directory, that is, releaf-clock-in-system Start the application

  npm run dev

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/wuyepabdul/releaf-clock-in-system

Go to the project directory

  cd releaf-clock-in-system

Install server-side dependencies

  npm install

Go to the frontend directory inside releaf-clock-in-system directory

  cd frontend

Install client-side dependencies

  npm install

Go to root directory (releaf-clock-in-system) Start backend server

  cd releaf-clock-in-system
  npm start

Go to frontend directory (releaf-clock-in-system) Start client-server

  cd releaf-clock-in-system/frontend
  npm start

Go to the root directory, that is, releaf-clock-in-system Start the application (run both backend and frontend servers together)

  cd releaf-clock-in-system
  npm run dev

Tech Stack

Client: React, Redux, Bootstrap, Material-ui

Server: Node, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB


  • Create a staff
  • Login a staff
  • Clockin a staff
  • Clockout a staff
  • View staff profile
  • Update a staff
  • View list of all staff
  • Logout



API Reference

Get all staff

  GET /api/staff/list
Parameter Type Description
token string Required. Staff token when loggedIn

Get staff profile

  GET /api/staff/profile
Parameter Type Description
token string Required. Staff token when logged In

Create a Staff

  POST /api/auth/register
Parameter Type Description
name,email,password,department string Required. Staff info to create record

Login a Staff

  POST /api/auth/login
Parameter Type Description
email,password string Required. Staff info to login into the system

Update staff profile

  PUT /api/staff/profile
Parameter Type Description
token,name string Required. staff login token and new name to updated

Clockin a Staff

  PUT /api/staff/clockin
Parameter Type Description
staffId string Required. staffId used to clockin

Clockout a Staff

  PUT /api/staff/clockout
Parameter Type Description
staffId string Required. staffId used to clockout


Takes staff name and generates a staffID which is used to clockin/clockout.


Takes staff (mongodb id) to create a jwt token


middleware to check if staff is logged in

updateProfileValidator, signinValidator, registerValidator

middlewares to validate form data


Visit the below link and experience the functionalities firsthand


Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  cd releaf-clock-in-system
  npm run test