
Android ORM (Aorm) in an ORM implementation on Android platform, include ORM core, relative Eclipse plugin(ADT extensions) and example Android application.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status GitHub release Bintray Android Arsenal


Did you used sqlite to save your data on Android? If you did, you may be puzzled for the complexity of mechanism. Now the Andoird ORM (Aorm) coming which armed to make it simple for the developers. If you have the interesting, please join us.


  • Brief ORM mapping, just write an annotation for the field of Java beans. e.g. @Column(name="_name") to mapping _name columnn of database to name property.
  • Powerful Forward Engineering supporting, generating DDL and ContentProvider automaticlly.
  • Useful Assist feature, create your Activity/Service/BroadcastReceiver with a wizard and configurat them in AndroidManifest.xml automatically.
  • ... More feature, please experience it for your self.


Use in Eclipse

Put aorm-core-1.0.jar to libs/

Recommended to install Android ADT-extensions plugin, and add ORM capapility to enable Aorm.

Use in Android Studio

Aorm has been published to jcenter, so you can just add dependence of aorm in your build.gradle.

dependencies {
    compile 'cn.ieclipse.aorm:aorm-core:1.1.0'

Code samples


Session session = ExampleContentProvider.getSession();
// simplest query, query all student table.
Criteria criteria = Criteria.create(Student.class);
// add restrication: id equals
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", 1));
// add restriction: name like Jamling
criteria.add(Restrictions.like("name", "Jaming"));
// add restriction: age < 30
criteria.add(Restrictions.lt("age", 30));
// add order
// set district
// set limit from row 10 to 20
criteria.setLimit(10, 10);

List<Student> list = session.list(Student.class);
// if you use Android CursorAdapter you can:
Cursor c = session.query(criteria);

// set alias, so the project will be alias.columnn. e.g. s.name
// criteria.setAlias("s");
// multi-table query
criteria.addChild(StudentMore.class, "m", Criteria.INNER_JOIN,
        Restrictions.geProperty("s.id", "m.id"));
// query to cursor
c = session.query(criteria);
// convert to list.
List<Object[]> ret = CursorUtils.getFromCursor(c,
        new Class[] { Student.class }, new String[] { "s", "m" });
// query to list.
ret = session.listAll(criteria);
Object[] item = ret.get(0);
Student s = (Student) item[0];
StudentMore m = (StudentMore) item[1];


Session session = ExampleContentProvider.getSession();
// insert
Student s = new Student();
long rowId = session.insert(s, null);
// update student's name to Jame whose id is 1
int rows = session.update(s);
// delete student whose id is 2
session.deleteById(Student.class, 2);
// query student whose id is 4
s = session.get(Student.class, 4);


Refer: http://ieclipse.cn/p/Android-ORM/userguide.html


Jamling Jamling (li.jamling@gmail.com)