See the fb.resnet.torch for a step-by-step guide.
- Install Torch on a machine with CUDA GPU
- Install cuDNN v4 or v5 and the Torch cuDNN bindings
Download models.tar into the same directory of this code.
Then unzip the model file by "tar -xvf models.tar"
th classify_6_2.lua list
hillary_0_FaceId-0.jpg m.0d06m5:0.95839496697635 forward time: 0.59
trump_0_FaceId-0.jpg m.0cqt90:0.70081973075867 forward time: 0.32
m.0cqt90 "Donald Trump"@en
m.0d06m5 "Hillary Rodham Clinton"@en
Dataset: MS-Celeb-1M: A Dataset and Benchmark for Large-Scale Face Recognition, ECCV 2016
MSR Image Recognition Challenge (IRC)@ACM Multimedia 2016:
Our ACM MM 2016 Multimedia Grand Challenge Paper: Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Independent Softmax for Large Scale Face Recognition