
Using BM3D to denoise ,the code I'm modified is from https://github.com/MarkPrecursor/BM3D_Denosing.git

Primary LanguagePython


Using BM3D to denoise,the code I'm modified is from https://github.com/MarkPrecursor/BM3D_Denosing.git


my platform is win7+python3.5

To run this code:

step1:Because of this the code of python.You should install python and configuration environment variable.

step2:Also if you installed python,you should also install some Python Extension Packages--numpy and opencv.
If you operating system is 64bit,you can find the packages in this http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/  

step3:enter the BM3D.py,change the 'img_name' to you own image path.Then run the BM3D.py.That's ok.