The following command using conda should setup the environment in linux CentOS.
conda env create -f environment.yml
If not, you need to manually download the following packages Required dependence: numpy, scipy, pandas, Pgmpy, pomegranate, networkx, tqdm, joblib, pytorch, psycopg2, scikit-learn, spflow, tables
Additional dependence: numba, bz2, Pyro (These packages are not required to reproduce the result in the paper.)
The optimal trained models for each dataset are already stored. If you are only interested in verifying the paper's result, you can skip the dataset download and model training, and directly execute the evaluate the learnt model.
DMV dataset: The DMV dataset is publically available at The data is continuously updated but there shouldn't be any shift in distribution. If you would like to reproduce the exact result as in paper, please contact the author for the snapshot that he downloaded.
Census dataset: The census dataset is publically available on UCI website:
IMDB dataset: The imdb dataset can be downloaded here:
In order to reproduce the single table result for DMV, First run the following command to train the model
python --dataset dmv
--csv_path .../DMV/DMV.csv
--model_path Benchmark/DMV
--learning_algo chow-liu
--max_parents 1
--sample_size 200000
model_path specifies the location to save the model
csv_path points the dataset you just downloaded
algo: one can choose between chow-liu, greedy, exact, junction. Expect for chow-liu, other methods contain a large amount of randomness, so not garuantee to reproduce the exactly same result as paper.
Then, evaluate the learnt model
python --dataset dmv
--model_path Benchmark/DMV/chow-liu_1.pkl
--query_file_location Benchmark/DMV/query.sql
--infer_algo exact-jit
infer_algo: one can choose between exact, exact-jit, exact-jit-torch, progressive_sampling, BP and sampling. I'm current working on BP's optimization, so there might be some unexpected bugs.
Similar to DMV, first train the model
python --dataset census
--csv_path ../Census/Census.csv
--model_path Benchmark/Census
--learning_algo chow-liu
--max_parents 1
--sample_size 200000
Then, evaluate the learnt model
python --dataset census
--model_path Benchmark/Census/chow-liu_1.pkl
--query_file_location Benchmark/Census/query.sql
--infer_algo exact-jit
Please refer to jupyter notebook: Testing/stability_experiment.ipybn, which contains the step-by-step guide to reproduce the result. Other notebooks in that directory are for debug purposes only.
First prepare the data, i.e. adding some fanout columns
python --dataset imdb
--csv_path ../imdb-benchmark
--hdf_path ../imdb-benchmark/gen_hdf
Then train a Bayescard ensemble of BNs
python --dataset imdb
--hdf_path ../imdb-benchmark/gen_hdf
--model_path Benchmark/IMDB
--learning_algo chow-liu
--max_parents 1
--sample_size 200000
Evaluate the learnt Bayescard
python --dataset imdb
--model_path Benchmark/IMDB
--query_file_location Benchmark/IMDB/job-light.sql
--learning_algo chow-liu
--max_parents 1
--infer_algo exact-jit
If you find the code helpful, please cite our paper:
title={BayesCard: Revitilizing Bayesian Frameworks for Cardinality Estimation},
author={Wu, Ziniu and Shaikhha, Amir and Zhu, Rong and Zeng, Kai and Han, Yuxing and Zhou, Jingren},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.14743},