Heterogeneous Adversarial Deep Domain Adaptation

Primary LanguagePython


Heterogeneous Adversarial Deep Domain Adaptation

Mohammadreza Ebrahimi, Yidong Chai, Hao Helen Zhang, Hsinchun Chen. Under review in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI).

The MMD calculation as well as the learning rate scheduler for gradient descent is conducted based on (Long et al., 2018), available at github.com/thuml/xlearn.


Mohammadreza Ebrahimi, Yidong Chai, Hao Helen Zhang, Hsinchun Chen, Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation with Deep Adversarial Representation Learning: Experiments on E-Commerce and Cybersecurity, Under review in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Enginering, TKDE.

Long, M., Cao, Y., Cao, Z., Wang, J. and Jordan, M.I., 2018. Transferable representation learning with deep adaptation networks. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 41(12), pp.3071-3085.


If you have any questions about the code, please feel free to contact:

ebrahimi@email.arizona.edu chaiyd14@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn hzhang@math.arizona.edu