Duk is a commandline utility that wraps around the linux 'du -ks' command. It will show you a histogram of the disk usage in a directory:
Statistics of directory "." :
in kByte in % histogram Name
4 1.39 # .gitignore
4 1.39 # setup.py
4 1.39 # .travis.yml
4 1.39 # README.md
12 4.17 ## dist/
12 4.17 ## duk/
12 4.17 ## build/
16 5.56 ## duk.egg-info/
220 76.39 #################### .git/
Total directory size: 288 kByte
The easiest way to install duk is to use pip
pip install duk
In case you're not in a python virtualenv, or don't have administrator access on your computer, you could use:
pip install --user duk