
My first React Native app. A shopping list that's shared with your partner. Except that I'm just playing.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is my first react-native app ever.

Shortcuts and technical debt

  • storageHelper.ts would in the future talk to a database that is shared with my girlfriend.
  • Haven't looked into best-practices for async-storage or SQLite. Right now everything is just JSON stringified "per table
  • Some components now determine their own margin to space them out a little. In the real world, would probably let the container determine spacing (eg. Flex spaceBetween='large'). This necessitates a library for stylesheets, like react-native-extended-stylesheet
  • I'm ignoring some type error on useNavigation. Looks like this can be typed to expect the correct screen parameters for each screen, but the typing for it seems a bit cumbersome. I would either pre-bake a type alias, or bake a typed alias of the useNavigation hook outright.
  • Adding a wishlist item would probably be easier if you didn't have to leave the list. If you are looking at a list filtered for one or more particular shops there may be some edge cases that a very simple form cannot handle. Nevertheles, with more time this should be implemented
  • I didn't bother to find a font for Android.