
Daimler Ads / MUSA Analytics

Daimler Ads / MUSA Analytics


This is our submission to the Mobility pitch competition (Spring 2018) sponsored by Capital Factory and Daimler. I created the artwork/wireframe and worked with my friend to determine the apps features and to write and deliver the pitch/presentation.

Daimler Ads is a customer engagment platform that builds trust through transparency.

The idea was to incentivize customer feedback/engagement while also giving them the power to control how their data is used.

I personally believe that this is a very innovative solution for companies looking to increase customer engagement when traditional methods do not work (surveys, phone calls, etc.). This model is very successful as can be seen with existing apps like Google Rewards and Microsoft Rewards. The problem with apps like Google Rewards is that users have absolutely zero idea about how the data will be used or sold to. Our solution addressed this by explicitly stating the companies that are viewing your data, how often they are viewing your data, and how they are using your data. While I am not a fan of how much data these giant companies like Google and Facebook have of ours, I understand that this massive data collection can actually benefit consumers if used responsibily. Simply being transparent about what data is being collected and how it is being used would be a major step in the right direction and there is nothing preventing it from happening today.

We approached this like a hackathon with our primary goal of getting better at pitching ideas to an audience. We had no intentions of winning the competition because we would have had to devote significant time towards working with Daimler to build out this product and that would have been impossible due to our committment to building our company Floori. Despite our apathy towards winning, we ended up qualifying as one of three finalists to pitch in front of Daimler executives.

An example of how this platform could be used is in the mockups/ directory. This example demonstrates the various types of questionnaires that a user could select from, in this case the user selects the "Design Your Ideal Home" questionnaire. They are then tasked with selecting the interior designs that they like or do not like. The data from this survey allows us to gain a better understanding of the type of homes this user likes, which can then be used later by companies targeting consumers in the interior design market.


  • Users can swipe through a collection of images, similar to apps like Tinder. This will provide us with valuable information about the user’s preferences (what they like/dislike, how much time they spend on each image, etc.)
  • Product images are tagged with their particular product, allowing us to associate products with users. ....* These will be hashed allowing quick retrieval. ....* Machine learning could possibly play a role by identifying similar products, perhaps then using them in future surveys.
  • Users can view their progress through the images/survey.
  • Users will have the opportunity to accept challenges/surveys from other companies. ....* Advertisers will need to friend request you before you recieve info from them (they can incentivize you in any number of ways-potentially)
  • Users can reach milestones after completing a certain number of questions.
  • Users will be presented product images relating to landscapes, home decor, accessories (jewelry), vehicles, etc.
  • Users can easily view how their data is being used through an interactive dashboard. ....* This dashboard will contain a simplified view of their data profile, where their data is currently at, how their data is being used to target them, the estimated value of their data, and how much money they have currently earned through surveys.
  • Fraud detection to reduce bots from receiving the incentive
  • Fraud detection to identify bogus/un-engaged data, potentially leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Two tiers of data storage: ....1. Aggregate data (not tied to a particular user) ....2. Personalized data (similar to SmarterHQ)
  • Must comply with EU GDPR requirements.
  • Gamification of data collection, potential ideas: ....* Quickly expiring timers ....* Bonus questions for extra incentives ....* Random questions/puzzles to add excitement and change of pace ....* Madlib style, with the option of sharing on FB: ....* Instead of text, we create a story with images of their car ....* Meme generator (starter packs, etc) ....* Once user is finished, present them with their estimated dream car based on their data (they can rate how much they love the dream car and highlight areas they love/hate). ....* A car that they can customize with a new part after each survey. The car could get faster. Perhaps we could deliver a hot-wheel style car after reaching a milestone.

TODO: add more descriptions about project