
Notes on Clojure conj 2012


Notes on Clojure conj 2012

=== Rich Hickey - Keynote ===

There is a big difference between programs and systems Programs lives in a bubble where I/O is someone else's problem Systems live in the real world Failure can only be addressed at the system level Joe Armstrong's 2003 Erlang thesis: Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors http://www.erlang.org/download/armstrong_thesis_2003.pdf Rich's advice: build simple systems like e.g.; memcached, Zookeeper and Amazon S3

=== Everything as a value === Several speakers talked about values, i.e.; do not change the past do not change in place register everything like e.g. git or Datomic

  • Stuart Halloway showed a simulation based testing approach it was used for Datomic and will be open sourced soon system testing = real world testing everything is data and is stored forever; (1) business model -> (2) generated events -> (3) results from system under test If you change the program you can check differences between result sets by simulating the same events you can go back and check "is this problem new or did we previously miss it?"

  • Rich Hickey shared ideas about codeq git does not handle the world outside the repo codeq adds the higher level; a bunch of repos this is not properly defined, unique naming might be solved through github git takes the SHA of a file; new SHA? then add to repo codeq takes an additional step A file is a directory of positons so codeq makes a SHA for each code block in the file new SHA? then add filename + position of code block in file to repo if you add something to codeq you must also add a transaction record to document what you did we could have a central codeq-db were you can ask questions like; "what libraries ever used torque?" "are they still using it?" "show me some use examples" The next step is to get function calls in codeq

  • Kovas Boguta showed how the repl-session can be a value https://github.com/kovasb/session

  • Antoni Batchelli & Hugo Duncan thinking about moving the pallet config to datomic

=== ClojureScript ===

  • Chris Granger: recent changes in LightTable LT uses Roger Wang's node-webkit (node.js + chromium) https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit LT will use a Component-Entity-System (CES) engine http://www.chris-granger.com/2012/12/11/anatomy-of-a-knockout/

  • Bodil Stokke: live coding demo using node.js and webfui catnip edi: https://github.com/bodil/catnip node.js repl: https://github.com/bodil/cljs-noderepl

  • Paul DeGrandis: using ClojureScript in the browser learn how to use the goog library Documentation on goog is rare: 1 book and the newsgroup The goog libary handles browser differences really well but once you get to the HTML5 stuff it gets tricky The goog library has two calling conventions that are different to require and call you need to understand this difference Use protocols and the handy functions in shoreleave to avoid working directly with the goog library This gives you loosely coupled code and inverted control https://github.com/shoreleave If you run into troubles on the client; shift the work to the server It is fine to use libraries like jQuery if you need to

  • Conrad Barski demonstrated webfui; client side web dev framework https://github.com/drcode/webfui store DOM in atom as EDN automatically keep changes in sync with the browser DOM declare functions that have to be run when state changes

  • Alan Dipert did a lighting talk on Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) in ClojureScript using Flapjax: https://github.com/alandipert/flapjax-demo

=== Miscellaneous ===

  • David Nolen added custom constraints to core.logic he calls this 'open unification' This helped to make the sudoku solver an order of magnitude faster because you can now define your custom search strategy

  • Hugo Duncan gave a ritz-nrepl demo https://github.com/pallet/ritz/tree/develop/nrepl inspect the locals in your stacktrace (with or without locals clearing) inspect the forms that raised compiler errors in compile time stacktraces

  • a team of renowned European Clojure practitioners started lambdanext they think about planning a training in Amsterdam second half of 2013 http://www.lambdanext.com Christophe Grand (enlive, Clojure Programming) Sam Aaron (overtone) Edmund Jackson (talk on Machine Learning at Clojure/conj 2012) Meikel Brandmeyer (vimclojure)