
nmap is a PHP wrapper for Nmap.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


nmap is a PHP wrapper for Nmap, a free security scanner for network exploration.

PHP Build


$hosts = Nmap::create()->scan([ 'example.com' ]);

$ports = $hosts[0]->getOpenPorts();

You can specify the ports you want to scan:

$nmap = new Nmap();

$nmap->scan([ 'example.com' ], [ 21, 22, 80 ]);

OS detection and Service Info are disabled by default, if you want to enable them, use the enableOsDetection() and/or enableServiceInfo() methods:

    ->scan([ 'example.com' ]);

    ->scan([ 'example.com' ]);

// Fluent interface!
    ->scan([ 'example.com' ]);

Turn the verbose mode by using the enableVerbose() method:

    ->scan([ 'example.com' ]);

For some reasons, you might want to disable port scan, that is why nmap provides a disablePortScan() method:

    ->scan([ 'example.com' ]);

You can also disable the reverse DNS resolution with disableReverseDNS():

    ->scan([ 'example.com' ]);

You can define the process timeout (default to 60 seconds) with setTimeout():

    ->scan([ 'example.com' ]);


The recommended way to install nmap is through Composer:

For PHP 7.2 and above, use version 2.x

For PHP 5.6 and above, use version 1.x

    "require": {
        "palepurple/nmap": "^2.0"


nmap is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.