
Ansible scripts to set up an instance of Qvain

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains Ansible scripts to set up an instance of Qvain.

setting up a development environment

To install a local development environment using vagrant, clone the repository, and inside the repository, run:

vagrant up

After, you should modify your host /etc/hosts file to include: qvain.csc.local

After that, you should be able to direct your web browser to https://qvain.csc.local to access Qvain. For login, credentials for a test instance of a centralized authentication component are additionally required (unless developing the frontend or the backand in standalone mode).

SSH inside the new vm:

vagrant ssh

To re-execute ansible tasks:

cd /qvain/ansible
sudo -i
ansible-playbook site_provision.yml

frontend development

The frontend repository qvain-js is cloned to qvain-ops/qvain-js. On your host machine, you can run npm run build-watch or similar in qvain-js and the changes in the qvain-ops/qvain-js/dist/ directory will reflect on the development vm.

Frontend can also be developed independently of a backend, by starting the npm development server, and directing the web browser to it.

backend development

The backend repository qvain-api is cloned to qvain-ops/qvain-api. Changes made to qvain-api on you host machine are reflected on the development vm.

setting up remote test environments

To execute ansible tasks for other environments than local development, in ansible/, execute:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/test site_provision.yml --private-key=path/to/private/key.pem -e @./secrets/secrets-test.yaml

... where inventories/test and secrets-test.yaml is one of the environments defined in inventories.