
UpCloud command line client (upctl)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

UpCloud CLI - upctl

upcloud-cli test

upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface.

upctl a CLI tool for managing your UpCloud services.

upctl [flags]
upctl [command]

Available Commands:
account     Manage account
completion  Generates shell completion
help        Help about any command
ip-address  Manage ip address
network     Manage network
router      Manage router
server      Manage servers
storage     Manage storages
version     Display software information

  -t, --client-timeout duration   CLI timeout when using interactive mode on some commands
                                  Default: 1m0s

  --colours bool                  Use terminal colours (supported: auto, true, false)
                                  Default: true

  --config string                 Config file

  -o, --output string             Output format (supported: json, yaml and human)
                                  Default: human

Use "upctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


To use upctl as a binary, download it from the Releases page. After downloading, verify that the client works.


brew tap UpCloudLtd/tap
brew install upcloud-cli
upctl -h

Setting up bash completion requires a few commands more.

brew install bash-completion
sudo upctl completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/upctl
echo "[ -f /usr/local/etc/bash_completion ] && . /usr/local/etc/bash_completion" >> ~/.bash_profile
. /usr/local/etc/bash_completion



yay -S upcloud-cli

Other Linux distros

Use the package corresponding to your distro (deb, rpm, apk), example for Debian like:

sudo curl -o upcloud.deb https://github.com/UpCloudLtd/upcloud-cli/releases/download/v<VERSION>/upcloud-cli-<VERSION>_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i upcloud.deb
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/upctl
upctl -h

Bash completion can also be set up with some extra commands. You should adapt this for your package manager.

sudo apt install bash-completion
sudo upctl completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/upctl
echo "[ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && . /etc/bash_completion" >> ~/.bash_profile
. /etc/bash_completion


Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/UpCloudLtd/upcloud-cli/releases/download/v<VERSION>/upcloud-cli-<VERSION>_windows_x86_64.zip" -OutFile "upcloud-cli.zip"
Expand-Archive -Path upcloud-cli.zip -Destination 'C:\Program Files\Upcloud CLI'
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\Upcloud CLI", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
upctl.exe -h

Quick Start

Create a upctl.yaml config file with user credentials into your home directory's .config dir ($HOME/.config/upctl.yaml).

username: your_upcloud_username
password: your_upcloud_password

Credentials can also be stored at environment variables UPCLOUD_USERNAME and UPCLOUD_PASSWORD. If variables are set, matching config file items are ignored.

NOTE: Make sure your account allows API connections. To do so, log into UpCloud control panel and go to Account -> Permissions -> Allow API connections checkbox.

Run something to test that the credentials are working.

$ upctl server list
 UUID                                   Hostname             Plan        Zone      State
────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────── ─────────── ───────── ─────────
 00229ddf-0e46-45b5-a8f7-cad2c8d11f6a   server1              2xCPU-4GB   de-fra1   stopped
 003c9d77-0237-4ee7-b3a1-306efba456dc   server2              1xCPU-2GB   sg-sin1   started


Every command has a help and examples included and you can find all its options by adding -h at the end of the command, like upctl network list -h. Below, you'll find a few common commands that have many other available options as well.

  • Create a new server
upctl server create --hostname test-server.io --zone de-fra1 --ssh-keys ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  • Create storage
upctl storage create --size 25 --title test-storage --zone es-mad1

Note: Storage size is in GB.

  • Attach storage to server
upctl server storage attach <SERVER-UUID> --storage <STORAGE-UUID>


The detailed documentation can be found here


Contributions from the community are much appreciated! Please note that all features using our API should be implemented with UpCloud Golang API SDK. If something is missing from there, add an issue or PR in that repository instead before implementing it here.

  • Check GitHub issues and pull requests before creating new ones
  • Besides bug reports, all improvement ideas and feature requests are more than welcome and can be submitted through GitHub issues.
    • New features and enhancements can be submitted by first forking the repository and then sending your changes back as a pull request.
  • Following semantic versioning, we won't accept breaking changes within the major version (1.x.x, 2.x.x etc).
    • Such PRs can be open for some time and are only accepted when the next major version is being created.


You need a Golang version 1.11+ installed on your development machine. Use make to build and test the CLI. Makefile help can be found:

$ make help
build                Build program binary for current os/arch
doc                  Generate documentation (markdown)
build-all            Build all targets
build-linux          Build program binary for linux x86_64
build-darwin         Build program binary for darwin x86_64
build-windows        Build program binary for windows x86_64
build-freebsd        Build program binary for freebsd x86_64
test                 Run tests
fmt                  Run gofmt on all source files
clean                Cleanup everything


This repository uses pre-commit and go-critic for maintaining code quality. Installing them is not mandatory, but it helps in avoiding the problems you'd otherwise encounter after opening a pull request as they are run by automated tests for all PRs.

Development quickstart

To begin development, first fork the repository to your own account, clone it and begin making changes.

git clone git@github.com/username/upcloud-cli.git
cd upcloud-cli
pre-commit install

Make the changes with your favorite editor. Once you're done, create a new branch and push it back to Github.

git checkout -b <branch-name>
<add your changes, "git status" helps>
git commit -m "New feature: create a new server in the nearest zone if not specified"
git push --set-upstream <branch-name>

After pushing the new branch, browse to your fork of the repository in GitHub and create a pull request from there. Once the pull request is created, please make changes to your branch based on the comments & discussion in the PR.

Releasing for beta versions

Current release process:

  • Update CHANGELOG.md
  • Tag a commit with the version you want to release e.g. v1.2.3
  • Push the tag & commit to GitHub
    • GitHub actions will automatically set the version based on the tag, create a GitHub release, build the project, and upload binaries & SHA sum to the GitHub release
  • Edit the new release in GitHub and add the changelog for this release
  • Done!


MIT license