
use duckdb in quarto ojs blocks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fork of duckdb-in-ojs for Reprex Purposes

This is a fork of Bob Rudis's Example of using DuckDB in Quarto OJS blocks. It's reorganized as a quarto dashboard with some value boxes to show a relatively weird bug in quarto dashboards whenever a table is rendered with Observable's Inputs.table(). The core issue is that whenever row height is explicitly set in the quarto dashboard, it prohibits the table rendered with Inputs.table() from scrolling. If Row height isn't set, the table scrolls as expected.

  • The file named index.qmd does not have row height set in the quarto dashboard.
  • The file named "index_2.qmd" does explicitly set a row height.

To see Bob's original quarto doc of using DuckDB in Quarto OJS blocks, visit this repo: https://github.com/hrbrmstr/duckdb-in-ojs

To see the version of that repo built on Observable's platform, visit this link: https://observablehq.com/@hrbrmstr/duckdb-observable-companion-to-the-quarto-version