
A combined reference of human genomic imprinted methylation regions

This is a combined resource of 5 publications that looked at human imprinting:

Publication Tissue-specificity
Court et al. 2014 Placental + Other
Hanna et al. 2016 Placental + Other
Sanchez-Delgado et al. 2016 Placental
Hamada et al. 2016 Placental
Zink et al. 2018 Other

These regions can be found in @ processed/all_imprinted_dmrs.tsv

Here is a view of the first 6 rows:

chr start end methylated\_allele tissue\_specificity associated\_gene court hanna sanchez\_delgado zink hamada note
1 6684860 6685996 M placental-specific THAP3 NA TRUE NA NA NA NA
1 7827139 7827709 M other NA NA NA NA TRUE NA NA
1 19614429 19615702 M placental-specific AKR7A3 NA TRUE NA NA NA NA
1 36184400 36184863 M placental-specific C1orf216 NA TRUE NA NA NA NA
1 38200920 38201123 M other EPHA10 NA TRUE NA NA NA NA
1 39559602 39559980 M other PPIEL NA NA NA TRUE NA NA

There are in total 418 imprinted regions, which can be divided into those that are specific to the placenta, and those that have been observed in other tissues.

tissue\_specificity n
other 307
placental-specific 111