- 3
Random efffect BLUP COV
#68 opened by chfleming - 1
Using Confidence Intervals Directly in rma Function Without Recalculating Standard Error
#94 opened by DavidReissig - 4
escalc: `vtype = "AV2"` and `measure = "R2"` error
#93 opened by FBartos - 6
adding a call back function for custom progress bar in `profile()` function (and other computationally intensive functions)
#92 opened by FBartos - 1
- 3
- 1
Documentation to clarify that ‘transf.lnorrtorr’ transforms to the risk ratio not the log risk ratio
#90 opened by befriendabacterium - 1
vtype = AV
#87 opened by Stach5 - 2
Add `anova` for `permutest` or allow `btt` and `att` arguments to `permutest()`
#88 opened by FBartos - 3
Pairwise function is not found
#86 opened by shaheedazaad - 1
Is this R script correct for conducting a meta-analysis of AOR for hypertension prevalence?
#84 opened by sancho2023 - 1
emmeans for scale in location-scale meta-analysis
#83 opened by FBartos - 5
Prevent archival from CRAN
#82 opened by psolymos - 2
Rank-deficient models
#74 opened by rvlenth - 1
Trace plots in metafor
#76 opened by SamCH93 - 3
forest()'s 'colout' option misses out part of the the confidence interval when colouring it in
#79 opened by befriendabacterium - 2
aggregate.escalc cannot find 'yi' and 'vi' columns when renamed/aggregate multiple 'yi' and 'vi' columns
#75 opened by befriendabacterium - 1
- 1
- 6
Bug re: conv.wald() function - Error: Cannot find the object/variable ('x[[]]') specified for the 'yi' argument.**
#71 opened by jessistanbul - 1
Adding 'author and year' to studies that used conv.wald() in order to merge with studies that used escalc() - for generating forest plot
#72 opened by jessistanbul - 4
Bug: Confidence interval coverage via ``level`` does not work with ``level < 1``
#69 opened by FBartos - 2
Cannot load function conv.wald()
#70 opened by jessistanbul - 2
Unable to expand plot region in forest()
#67 opened by lk1373190 - 1
Error (?) in SMDH calculation
#65 opened by pdudgeon - 4
Meta-analysis of single proportions - number of events / non-events missing in rma.uni object
#39 opened by guido-s - 2
Enhancement request: provide additional reporter() functionality to support those writing reports in Rmarkdown
#41 opened by mcguinlu - 5
Posterior predictive simulations
#43 opened by bwiernik - 8
Accept data.frame in predict()
#48 opened by bwiernik - 4
Support for penalized splines/GAMs
#51 opened by bwiernik - 7
- 4
permutest() results in error
#63 opened by Adam-Rybak - 1
Forest plot for WMD a la RevMan style
#64 opened by apavlo89 - 2
dropped support for `slab = NULL` argument
#61 opened by FBartos - 2
- 6
`refit` argument in anova()
#59 opened by bwiernik - 2
measure = "SMDC"
#58 opened by bwiernik - 2
Add further information to "Cannot fit ML model"
#57 opened by mutlusun - 2
Conflicting results with rma.peto vs. escalc
#56 opened by sgoldbergR - 4
search bar in pkgdown website
#53 opened by meghapsimatrix - 2
Test assumes R version >= 4.0.0
#55 opened by MichaelChirico - 4
Wrong weigths in the forest plot of the three-level meta-analysis conducted with function
#52 opened by alsokh - 2
`plot.infl.rma.uni()` changes the `mfrow` option of `par` but does not change it back if `plotinf=FALSE` and `plotdfbs=TRUE`
#50 opened by sfcheung - 1
- 4
Evaluate a function to transf and atransf that can alias with expected functions such that xlab is set to corresponding label.
#47 opened by ltrainstg - 3
- 2
Selection model error during optimization
#37 opened by kylehamilton - 4
Aggregate: Error in
#42 opened by liptzin - 3
rcalc function
#40 opened by carolaruizh - 3