

SimpleBridge objective is to experiment the new CCIP protocol from Chainlink. The app allows you to swap and bridge supported tokens between multiple Ethereum L2 networks.
See Live Demo.


Capture d’écran 2023-10-25 à 16 33 18


This application deploys a single contract across various chains. It leverages its own token balance for swaps using a constant product formula and facilitates token transfers through the CCIP router. It's important to note that a CCIP transaction can take up to 30 minutes for validation.

Currently, this application is deployed on testnets, and it supports two test tokens: CCIP-BnM and CCIP-LnM. You can obtain these test tokens here. Please be aware that CCIP fees are paid in the native tokens of each respective blockchain, so make sure you have an adequate supply before engaging in any operations.

Supported Networks

  • Ethereum Sepolia
  • Polygon Mumbai
  • Arbitrum Goerli
  • OP Goerli
  • Base Goerli
  • Avalanche Fuji

Supported Tokens

  • CCIP-BnM
  • CCIP-LnM

To acquire these test tokens, visit this link.

⚠️ Disclaimer

These contracts are not intended for production use and are created solely for experimental purposes. The token swapping formula employed carries a high level of risk.