
Guide on learning, testing and deploying Pure Yul contracts

Primary LanguageSolidity

Mastering Pure Yul Development

Learn the art of crafting, testing, and deploying smart contracts using pure Yul code!


Whether you're seeking a comprehensive understanding of Ethereum's inner workings or aiming to harness ultra-optimized code for purposes like MEV, delving into pure Yul development could be your next step. Here, I provide some guidance on honing your pure Yul skills, employing Hardhat and Foundry.

Prebuilt templates for pure yul contracts development are available in the templates directory.


Learning Path


Explore these resources to master Yul:

Templates within this tutorial draw inspiration from these resources.

Pure Yul Contract Structure

object "Example" {
  // Constructor
  code {
    datacopy(0, dataoffset("Runtime"), datasize("Runtime"))
    return(0, datasize("Runtime"))
  //Actual code
  object "Runtime" {
    // Return the calldata
    code {
      mstore(0x80, calldataload(0))
      return(0x80, calldatasize())

For fully Yul-written contract examples, refer to my repository here.


To compile Yul, you'll need the Solidity compiler installed. Compile your code using:

solc --strict-assembly [FILE_PATH] --bin

This command outputs the hexadecimal binary representation of your contract.


Using Foundry

To use your compiled contract in a test, you'll need to deploy it. In Foundry, you can do so by using the inline assembly CREATE instruction. Refer to this example:

pragma solidity 0.8.15;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract YulDeployer is Test {
     * @notice Deploys a Yul contract and returns the address where the contract was deployed
     * @param fileName - The file name of the Yul contract (e.g., "Example.yul" becomes "Example")
     * @return deployedAddress - The address where the contract was deployed
    function deployContract(string memory fileName) public returns (address) {
        string memory bashCommand = string.concat(
            'cast abi-encode "f(bytes)" $(solc --strict-assembly yul/',
            string.concat(fileName, ".yul --bin | grep '^[0-9a-fA-Z]*$')")

        string[] memory inputs = new string[](3);
        inputs[0] = "bash";
        inputs[1] = "-c";
        inputs[2] = bashCommand;

        bytes memory bytecode = abi.decode(vm.ffi(inputs), (bytes));

        address deployedAddress;
        assembly {
            deployedAddress := create(0, add(bytecode, 0x20), mload(bytecode))

            deployedAddress != address(0),
            "YulDeployer could not deploy contract"

        return deployedAddress;

With this deployment logic in place, you can now interact with the contract.
Set up your test like so:

interface Example {}

contract ExampleTest is Test {
    YulDeployer yulDeployer = new YulDeployer();

    Example exampleContract;

    function setUp() public {
        exampleContract = Example(yulDeployer.deployContract("Example"));

You can now launch your test with:

forge test -vvv

Make sure you have the ffi allowed before running your tests. Add: ffi = true in foundry.toml file.

Special thanks to CodeForcer for providing this template.

Using Hardhat

To utilize Hardhat effectively, you must generate the contract bytecode and create the ABI before you can employ the contract. This script compiles and obtains the bytecode's output within a designated build folder:

const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const solc = require("solc");

const outputPath = path.resolve(
const inputPath = path.resolve(
const source = fs.readFileSync(inputPath, "utf-8");

const input = {
  language: "Yul",
  sources: {
    "ContractName.sol": {
      content: source,
  settings: {
    outputSelection: {
      "*": {
        "*": ["evm.bytecode"],

const compiledContract = solc.compile(JSON.stringify(input));
const bytecode =

fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, JSON.stringify(bytecode));

In contrast to Solidity, the contract ABI is not generated automatically; it requires manual creation. Here are the specifications of an ABI.

With the ABI and bytecode saved in the build folder, you can now deploy your contract within a test file as follows:

const abi = require("../build/PureYul.abi.json");
const bytecode = require("../build/PureYul.bytecode.json");

const contractInstance = await (
  await ethers.getContractFactory(abi, bytecode)

For your test command, as the contract is already built, to avoid any error, remember to add --no-compile when executing:

npx hardhat run test/PureYul.test.js --no-compile

Credits to Jesper Kristensen for the template.



When deploying contracts with Foundry, you can follow these steps:

Local Deployment

  • Create a script Deploy.sol in the scripts folder. Example:
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Script.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";

contract DeployScript is Script {
    function run() public {
        uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");

        string memory bashCommand = string.concat(
            'cast abi-encode "f(bytes)" $(solc --strict-assembly yul/',
            string.concat("YourContract", ".yul --bin | grep '^[0-9a-fA-Z]*$')")

        string[] memory inputs = new string[](3);
        inputs[0] = "bash";
        inputs[1] = "-c";
        inputs[2] = bashCommand;

        bytes memory bytecode = abi.decode(vm.ffi(inputs), (bytes));

        ///@notice deploy the bytecode with the create instruction
        address deployedAddress;
        assembly {
            deployedAddress := create(0, add(bytecode, 0x20), mload(bytecode))

        ///@notice check that the deployment was successful
            deployedAddress != address(0),
            "YulDeployer could not deploy contract"
        ///@notice return the address that the contract was deployed to

        console.log("Contract address:");
  • Lauch Anvil:
  • Generate a .env and include a private key provided by Anvil:
  • Execute the script locally:
forge script ./script/Deploy.sol:DeployScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast

Network Deployment

Update your .env file with your deployment private key, then execute:

forge script ./script/Deploy.sol:DeployScript --rpc-url [NETWORK_RPC_URL] --broadcast

You will get the output of your transaction in the broadcast folder.


Use a deploy script similar to:

const hre = require("hardhat");

async function main() {
  // ABI and bytecode import...

  const PureYulContract = await ethers.getContractFactory(abi, bytecode);

  const pureYulInstance = await PureYulContract.deploy();
  await pureYulInstance.deployed();

  console.log(`Pure Yul Contract was deployed to ${pureYulInstance.address}`);

Local Deployment

For local deployment:

npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js

Network Deployment

As general rule, you can target any network from your Hardhat config using:

npx hardhat run --network <your-network> scripts/deploy.js

Pros and Cons

Now you know how to compile, test and deploy pure Yul contract! Let's dig into the pros and cons of using pure Yul for smart contract development:


  1. Precision Control: Achieve meticulous control over contract behavior and optimize for gas efficiency.
  2. Gas Efficiency: Craft contracts that consume less gas, optimizing transaction costs.
  3. Memory Management: Lower-level management reduces vulnerabilities tied to memory allocation or reentrancy attacks.
  4. Learning Experience: Gain in-depth insights into EVM operations, memory management, and execution flow.
  5. Optimization


  1. Complexity: Yul's low-level nature demands deep understanding of EVM mechanics, leading to potentially error-prone development.
  2. Development Time: Building in Yul can be time-intensive due to intricate manual management of low-level details.
  3. Abstraction Limitations: Yul lacks high-level abstractions, leading to longer development cycles and complex maintenance.
  4. Debugging Challenges: Debugging Yul code can be harder due to limited tooling and intricate low-level operations.
  5. Limited Resources: Solidity enjoys a larger community and resources, making Yul a less supported choice. Moreover, your Yul contracts cannont be verified on etherscan.

In conclusion, pure Yul development offers gas efficiency and control, but comes with complexity and potential delays. The decision between Yul and higher-level languages depends on your project's needs, your EVM expertise, and your willingness to optimize at the bytecode level.