Glacier command line utility was renamed from glacier
to glacier-cmd
, because of inconsistencies with boto.
Renamed configuration file from .glacier
to .glacier-cmd
to reflect new name of this utility.
Command line parameter description changed from positional argument to optional argument. This means from now on you must add --description <description>
on the command line to give a description. This to allow for multiple file names and wild cards to be used in conjunction with the upload
For everybody having problems with install, don't forget to install git.
Command line interface for Amazon Glacier. Allows managing vaults, uploading and downloading archives and bookkeeping of created archives.
Required libraries are glaciercorecalls and boto, use version 2.6.0 or newer.
You also need to install GIT, with something like apt-get install git
to download sources from github.
>>> python install
>>> glacier-cmd [args]
Currently use of virtualenv
is recommended, but we will migrate to buildout shortly:
>>> virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=python2.7 amazon-glacier-cmd-interface
>>> source amazon-glacier-cmd-interface/bin/activate
>>> python develop
>>> glacier-cmd command [args]
There are a couple of ways to pass in settings. While you can pass in everything
on command line you can also create a config file .glacier-cmd
in your home folder
or in folder where you run glacier (current working directory) or a global
configuration file called /etc/glacier-cmd.conf
. To specify special
location of your config file use -c
option on command line.
Here is an example configuration:
You can also pass in all these options as environment variables:
$ aws_access_key=your_access_key aws_secret_key=your_secret_key region=us-east-1 bookkeeping=True bookkeeping-domain-name=your_simple_db_domain_name glacier [args]
It does not matter if option names are upper-case or lower-case or if they have
in string. Currently only section names must be lower-case.
We created a special feature called bookkeeping, where we keep a cache of all uploaded archive and their names, hashes, sizes and similar meta-data in an Amazon SimpleDB. This is still work in progress and can be enabled by setting bookkeeping to True. Some commands like search require bookkeeping to be enabled. You will also have to set bookkeeping-domain-name:
$ TODO: example here
To list your vault contents use lsvault
, to create vault use mkvault
and to
remove use rmvault
$ glacier-cmd mkvault Test
201 Created
$ glacier-cmd lsvault
200 OK
| Vault name | ARN | Created | Size |
| Test | arn:aws:glacier:us-east-1:771747372727:vaults/Test | 2012-08-30T03:26:05.507Z | 56932337 |
$ glacier-cmd rmvault Test
204 No Content
| Header | Value |
| x-amzn-requestid | 5Ckitc3kUKC30UWrflkKNLK_hJFm1c_Y7lm4ZG2MAkcInI8 |
| date | Wed, 12 Sep 2012 05:51:00 GMT |
You can list active jobs by using listjobs
$ glacier-cmd listjobs Test
200 OK
| Action | Archive ID | Status | Initiated | VaultARN | Job ID |
| InventoryRetrieval | None | Succeeded | 2012-09-12T01:03:13.991Z | arn:aws:glacier:us-east-1:771747372727:vaults/Test | tOMuoC8Y0B9S867fZsczjZBUS02mnELuS1-WqTY_SCCnNPWQg85YRI3GoJe6eObGuPEBdRz6BeXb35PQWBokHBhPqZ0X |
| InventoryRetrieval | None | Succeeded | 2012-09-11T06:37:22.950Z | arn:aws:glacier:us-east-1:771747372727:vaults/Test | TK27LnflXEXN9ACn-ShfvQXHnJxFRVWnwnPiR-2d0eyePFHs_xrFRkAq1TEgxzM1oWo06tTUPbtGCnHmiL7Hon9anlik |
To upload archive use upload
. You can upload data from file or data from
stdin. To upload from file:
$ glacier-cmd upload Test /path/SomeFile --description "The file description"
Created archive with ID: EQocIYw9ZmofbWixjD2oKb8faeIg4D1uSi1PxpdyBVy__lDMCWcmXLIzNKBP4ikPH3Ngn4w8ApqCMN7XJqNL7V4sxRzq42Zu74DctpLG9GSPSNjLc1_vorGVk3YqVEdjd2cqnWTdiA
Archive SHA256 hash: e837acd31ee9b04a73fb176f1845695364dfabe019fca17f4097cf80687082c0
You can only compare the SHA256 returned by AWS with the locally computed one (using the shasum
utility) if your archive was under 1Mb. Use the built-in treehash function instead.
$ glacier-cmd treehash SomeFile
e837acd31ee9b04a73fb176f1845695364dfabe019fca17f4097cf80687082c0 SomeFile
For files larger than 1Mb, a special SHA256 needs to be computed. There are plans to update the tool in the future to compute these special SHA256 values off-line.
If you are uploading a temp file with a meaningless name, or using --stdin, you can use the --name option to tell glacier to ignore the file name and use the given name when it creates the bookkeeping entry:
$ glacier-cmd upload Test /tmp/temp.tQ6948 --description "Some description" --name /path/BetterName
To upload from stdin:
$ cat file | glacier-cmd upload Test --description "Some description" --stdin --name /path/BetterName
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're uploading from stdin, and you don't specify a --partsize option, your upload will be limited to 1.3Tb, and the progress report will come out every 128Mb. For more details, run:
$ glacier-cmd upload -h
You have two options to retrieve an archive - first one is download
second one is getarchive
If you use download
, you will have to uniquely identify the file either by
its file name, its description, or limit the search by region and vault.
If that is not enough you should use getarchive
and specify the archive ID of
the archive you want to retrieve:
$ TODO: example here
To remove uploaded archive use rmarchive
. You can currently delete only by
archive id (notice the use of --
when the archive ID starts with a dash):
$ glacier-cmd rmarchive Test -- -6AKuLSU3wxtSqq_GeeAss9zLvto8Xr1su4mqmvluTTv4HcXbFJJNy0yiTu9tG5vFjrBXvmQKXGwFJpNMghqYBerUKpsjq56mrzv1wUbe6DWuzl6Ntb8WSQHYo0kzw8rcLaVx5MFug
204 No Content
| Header | Value |
| x-amzn-requestid | 1-UC36MM2ZxNwdf-Q2yyT0f7j5KVJ1neGwf-FzsU2H6YDyo |
| date | Fri, 14 Sep 2012 02:48:46 GMT |
To search for uploaded archives in your cache use search
. This requires bookkeeping
$ TODO: example here
To list the inventory of a vault use inventory
$ glacier-cmd inventory Test
Inventory of vault arn:aws:glacier:us-east-1:771747372727:vaults/Test
Inventory Date: 2012-09-11T22:03:37Z
| Archive Description | Uploaded | Size | Archive ID | SHA256 hash |
| DSC01600.xcf | 2012-08-31T03:49:34Z | 38679745 | riTD8lqS96TvEwrqMy79jziF-l0vc_jbhYeCli1qtCAEH4IfzvvIU96VSiSOIytGRKJfw8Pf0SRk5i1ruxIIZuyfH7W7jTEW_h-Zd5Ho6aveZdfW8JfoYXXMRz6Dn_Yg0FsgYCLGQw | cb7ca5b0fa02af0180e0c172489c2f40f3469db2dfc86ae41e713b7bacea68e7 |
| 2016 | 2012-09-10T05:09:20Z | 250178 | JZ8Xsys9LnN0djnOaC-5YNQYoKnd2jL0eLp8H3SlMexls0tqLdlvZQGnS56Q3Hb3ahsle7XNKQv5ouZjY2fOu9gI6BRErK8gKHAKxlFtdIeGFD6w_KVElczfehJV4XJIz8zCtGcjsg | d8f50c77cdef296ae57b0a3386e3f3d73435c94f5e6d320d5426bd1b239397d4 |
To describe a vault use describevault
. It shows the time of the last inventory among other things:
$ glacier-cmd describevault Test
200 OK
| LastInventory | Archives | Size | ARN | Created |
| 2012-09-14T20:14:31.609Z | 19 | 44056372 | arn:aws:glacier:us-east-1:771747372727:vaults/Test | 2012-08-30T03:26:05.507Z |
To see the multipart uploads currently in progress, use listmultiparts
$ glacier-cmd listmultiparts Test
200 OK
Marker: None
| ArchiveDescription | CreationDate | MultipartUploadId | PartSizeInBytes | VaultARN |
| fancyme.glacier | 2012-09-20T04:29:21.485Z | D18RNXeq5ffV99PITXrHBvJOULDt15EJJl0eBD5GFD-pc76ptWCz0k9mrJy4W4oUu2fQ0ljWxiqDXIKGLZVIfFIexErC | 4194304 | arn:aws:glacier:us-east-1:771747372727:vaults/Test |
To abort one of the multipart uploads, use abortmultipart
$ glacier-cmd abortmultipart Test D18RNXeq5ffV99PITXrHBvJOULDt15EJJl0eBD5GFD-pc76ptWCz0k9mrJy4W4oUu2fQ0ljWxiqDXIKGLZVIfFIexErC
Usage description(help): $ glacier-cmd --help usage: glacier-cmd [-h] [-c FILE] [--logtostdout] [--aws-access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY] [--aws-secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY] [--region REGION] [--bookkeeping] [--bookkeeping-domain-name BOOKKEEPING_DOMAIN_NAME] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--loglevel {-1,DEBUG,0,INFO,1,WARNING,2,ERROR,3,CRITICAL}] [--output {print,csv,json}]
{mkvault,lsvault,describevault,rmvault,upload,listmultiparts,abortmultipart,inventory,getarchive,download,rmarchive,search,listjobs,describejob,treehash} ...
Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c FILE, --conf FILE Name of the file to log messages to. (default: ~/.glacier-cmd) --logtostdout Send log messages to stdout instead of the config file. (default: False)
Subcommands: {mkvault,lsvault,describevault,rmvault,upload,listmultiparts,abortmultipart,inventory,getarchive,download,rmarchive,search,listjobs,describejob,treehash} For subcommand help, use: glacier-cmd -h mkvault Create a new vault. lsvault List available vaults. describevault Describe a vault. rmvault Remove a vault. upload Upload an archive to Amazon Glacier. listmultiparts List all active multipart uploads. abortmultipart Abort a multipart upload. inventory List inventory of a vault, if available. If not available, creates inventory retrieval job if none running already. getarchive Requests to make an archive available for download. download Download a file by archive id. rmarchive Remove archive from Amazon Glacier. search Search Amazon SimpleDB database for available archives (requires bookkeeping to be enabled). listjobs List active jobs in a vault. describejob Describe a job. treehash Calculate the tree-hash (Amazon style sha256-hash) of a file.
aws: --aws-access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY Your aws access key (Required if you have not created a ~/.glacier-cmd or /etc/glacier-cmd.conf config file) (default: AKIAIP5VPUSCSJQ6BSSQ) --aws-secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY Your aws secret key (Required if you have not created a ~/.glacier-cmd or /etc/glacier-cmd.conf config file) (default: WDgq6ZZn7Y4Lkt5LxPuionw2pTLbonwdFZz1BGtS)
glacier: --region REGION Region where you want to store your archives (Required if you have not created a ~/.glacier-cmd or /etc /glacier-cmd.conf config file) (default: us-east-1) --bookkeeping Should we keep book of all created archives. This requires a Amazon SimpleDB account and its bookkeeping domain name set (default: True) --bookkeeping-domain-name BOOKKEEPING_DOMAIN_NAME Amazon SimpleDB domain name for bookkeeping. (default: squirrel) --logfile LOGFILE File to write log messages to. (default: /home/wouter /.glacier-cmd.log) --loglevel {-1,DEBUG,0,INFO,1,WARNING,2,ERROR,3,CRITICAL} Set the lowest level of messages you want to log. (default: DEBUG) --output {print,csv,json} Set how to return results: print to the screen, or as csv resp. json string. (default: print)
does not by itself support bandwidth throttling and uses all the available bandwidth it can get hold off. Should you require bandwidth throttling you should use a utility designed for such purpose. One such utility is tc. A short example by @gburca:
IP=`dig +short +answer "glacier.${REGION}" A | grep -v '\.$' | tr '\n' ' '`
U32="$TC filter add dev $IF protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32"
$TC qdisc add dev $IF root handle 1: htb default 30
$TC class add dev $IF parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate 200kbps
for ip in $IP; do
$U32 match ip dst $ip/32 flowid 1:2
and later, to disable filtering:
$TC qdisc del dev $IF root
- Tests
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