Conky Dotfiles is a mash up of various examples Corky from across the 'net. Therefore, out of respect, guilt, and a morbid fear of lawyers, I maintain a reasonably complete list of sources. Check out the references / sources below and you may find a few additional gems.
Conky is a light-weight system monitor for X Window that displays any information on your desktop. It is highly configurable as it is able to monitor literally any aspect of your system from hard-drive temperature through number of users logged in to currently played music song. Unlike system monitors that use high-level widget toolkits to render their information, Conky is drawn directly in an X window (typically the desktop). This allows it to consume relatively fewer system resources. Conky is highly configurable and is able to monitor many system variables including the status of the CPU, memory, swap space, disk storage, temperatures, processes, network interfaces, battery power, system messages, e-mail inboxes, and much more.
Installation of Conky is simple. Open up terminal and enter:
# install conky
sudo apt-get -y install conky-all
Typically, you want Conky to automatically start at the boot.
You start corky with the $HOME/.xsessionrc
file with
conky --pause=20 --config=/home/jeff/.conky/conkyrc
but for Gnome, find and open the Startup Applications GUI utility
and use it to set Conky to start at the boot time.
A potential alternative is to create a script via the gnome-session-properties
or equivalently, create the following file named ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=conky --pause=20 --config=/home/jeff/.conky/conkyrc
Comment[en_US]=Conky system monitor for the X Window Syste
Comment=Conky system monitor for the X Window System
To launch Conky from the commandline, using your resource file, you do the following
# launch conky using your $HOME directory conky resource file
# launch conky using another resource file
conky -c /home/jeff/.conky/src/conky-test
By default, Conky monitors the eth0
& wlan0
network interface,
but there’s a good chance that your network interface uses a different name.
Obtain your network interface name and then replace the eth0
& wlan0
You can get your network interface via this command:
# list network interfaces that are up & working
$ ip address | grep '^[0-9]' | grep 'state UP'
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
4: wlx94dbc95110ca: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
Make updates to the ~/.conkyrc
file as required.
An easy way to force Conky to reload your ~/.conkyrc
resource file is to us the command killall -SIGUSR1 conky
This saves you the trouble of having to kill and then restart.
**NOTE:**I also discovered that while conky is running and your concurrently editing the
file in vi, saving the file appears to cause conky to restart and read the new.conkyrc
… nice.
Some of the sites that proved most useful include:
Reference stuff
Newer stuff