This was heavily based on:

Youtube demo

Build and start the docker cloud

docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d

This will start the bitcoind and ord service containers. Then using in the ord container, it will generate some addresses, some btc, then inscribe /ordinals/keep_going.png and then mine it. Since you are on regtest you need to mine the transactions yourself.

Open the ORD explorer


The Inscribing Process

This process uses a mount in ./ordinals/projects. You would put your files inside of it, use docker-compose run ord bash to start a container to do the inscribing process.

1. Start an individual docker instance

docker-compose run ord bash

2. Create a wallet & get it some sweet BTC

This will create a wallet then generate 101 blocks: Further reading for 101 block:

ord wallet create
ADDRESS=$(ord wallet receive 2>/dev/null | grep -o -E "\"address\": \"[^\"]+\"" | sed -E "s/\"address\": \"(.*)\"/\1/")
bitcoin-cli --rpcconnect=bitcoind --rpcport=8332 --rpccookiefile=/bitcoin/.bitcoin/regtest/.cookie generatetoaddress 101 $ADDRESS

3. Create your ord index

ord index run

4. Now inscribe file

ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 1 /ordinals/keep_going.png

5. Mine that transaction (have to b/c you on REGTEST)

bitcoin-cli --rpcconnect=bitcoind --rpcport=8332 --rpccookiefile=/bitcoin/.bitcoin/regtest/.cookie generatetoaddress 1 $ADDRESS

Now you should be able to look in your local explorer at http://localhost:8080 and see the inscription.