The PORTUNO API is a Python API that implements CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) endpoints for the entities and tables of the PostgreSQL DATABASE: Classroom, Occupancy, Permission, User, Professor, SchoolClass, and Semester. The API is built using Flask, which is a lightweight and modular web framework.

The PORTUNO project was conceived as part of the Integrated Project I course and developed as part of the DATABASE I course in the Systems and Digital Media program at UFC (Federal University of Ceará).

Getting started

Before starting to use the API, please follow the configuration steps below:

Clone the repository to your local environment:

git clone https://github.com/PORTUNO-SMD/portuno-api.git

Create a .env file in the project's root directory and set the required environment variables. These variables include the DATABASE credentials and other environment-specific configurations. A basic example of the .env file content is shown below:


Install the project dependencies. In the project's root directory, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

After completing the above steps, you are ready to start the API.


The API follows an architecture with entity, DAO (Data Access Object), and controller layers. Each entity corresponds to a table in the DATABASE and has dedicated endpoints for CRUD operations. Below is the table with the available endpoints for each entity:


Method Endpoint Description
GET /classes Get all classes
GET /classes/{id} Get a specific class
POST /classes Create a new class
PUT /classes/{id} Update an existing class
DELETE /classes/{id} Delete a specific class

Request Body to POST:

    "day_week": "segunda",
    "subject": "xxxxxxxxx",
    "hour": "10:00:00"


Method Endpoint Description
GET /classrooms Get all classrooms
GET /classrooms/{id} Get a specific classroom
POST /classrooms Create a new classroom
PUT /classrooms/{id} Update an existing classroom
DELETE /classrooms/{id} Delete a specific classroom

Request Body to POST:

        "floor": 1,
        "id": 100,
        "name": "Laboratório XX",
        "professor": null,
        "short_name": "Lab. XX",
        "type": "laboratório de informática"


Method Endpoint Description
GET /occupancies Get all occupancies
GET /occupancies/{id} Get a specific occupancy
POST /occupancies Create a new occupancy
PUT /occupancies/{id} Update an existing occupancy
DELETE /occupancies/{id} Delete a specific occupancy

Request Body to POST:

    "goal": "Dar aula",
    "classroom": 11,
    "user": 98765,
    "semester": "2023.1",
    "class": null


Method Endpoint Description
GET /permissions Get all permissions
GET /permissions/{id} Get a specific permission
POST /permissions Create a new permission
PUT /permissions/{id} Update an existing permission
DELETE /permissions/{id} Delete a specific permission

Request Body to POST:

    "beginning_date_time": "2023-06-22",
    "ending_date_time": "2023-06-30",
    "classroom": 4,
    "user": 527898,
    "professor": 556891


Method Endpoint Description
GET /users Get all users
GET /users/{id} Get a specific user
POST /users Create a new user
PUT /users/{id} Update an existing user
DELETE /users/{id} Delete a specific user

Request Body to POST:

    "ddd": 85,
    "id": 509697,
    "name": "João Victor",
    "number": 987560857,
    "password": "sE0724"


Method Endpoint Description
GET /professors Get all professors
GET /professors/{id} Get a specific professor
POST /professors Create a new professor
PUT /professors/{id} Update an existing professor
DELETE /professors/{id} Delete a specific professor

Request Body to POST:

    "ddd": 85,
    "id": 98765,
    "name": "George Gomes",
    "number": 1111111111,
    "password": "george123"


Method Endpoint Description
GET /semesters Get all semesters
GET /semesters/{id} Get a specific semester
POST /semesters Create a new semester
PUT /semesters/{id} Update an existing semester
DELETE /semesters/{id} Delete a specific semester

Request Body to POST:

    "beginning_date": "2023-08-03",
    "ending_date": "2023-06-13",
    "name": "2023.1"