
30 Day Vanilla <del>JS</del> TS Challenge

Primary LanguageHTML

Will Wager's TypeScript solutions for Wes Bos's...


Run them yourself from a VS Code container!

  • Open in vscode and run Remote Containers: Reopen in Container from the command palette.
  • Build each TypeScript file with tsc typescripts.ts from each project's folder.
    • All html files have been adjusted to look for typescripts.js.
    • Starting at project 6, I use the options --removeComments --strictNullChecks --noImplicitAny --target es5 in my js builds.
  • Press ALT + L, ALT + O to start the Live Server extension and access the html files at http://localhost:5500 + the relative path.
    • For example, to open the first project, go to (replace spaces with '20%' if your browser complains): http://localhost:5500/01%20-%20JavaScript%20Drum%20Kit/index-START.html

Starter Files + Completed solutions for the JavaScript 30 Day Challenge.

Grab the course at https://JavaScript30.com

Community #JavaScript30 Content

Feel free to submit a PR adding a link to your own recaps, guides or reviews!

Alternative Implementations

Here are some links of people who have done the tutorials, but in a different language or framework:

A note on Pull Requests

These are meant to be 1:1 copies of what is done in the video. If you found a better / different way to do things, great, but I will be keeping them the same as the videos.

The starter files + solutions will be updated if/when the videos are updated.
