A cli tool converting Markdown to HTML. This tool is a thin wrapper around the github.com/yuin/goldmark library.
> gm file.md
> gm --serve file.md
> gm -h
gm (version: --): a goldmark cli tool which is a thin wrapper around github.com/yuin/goldmark.
If not serving (no '--serve' or '-s' option is used):
- the .md files are converted and saved as .html with the same base name;
- if the .html file exists it is overwritten;
- 'stdin' in converted to 'stdout';
- when a pattern is used, only the matched .md files are considered.
When serving (with '--serve' or '-s' option):
- the .md files are converted and served as html;
- all other files are staticly served;
- nothing is written on the disk.
-s, --serve Start serving local .md file(s). No html is saved.
-c, --css string A css url or the theme name present in github.com/kpym/markdown-css. (default "github")
-t, --title string The default page title. Used if no h1 is found in the .md file.
--html string The html template (file or string).
-o, --out-dir string The build output folder (created if not already existing, not used when serving).
--links-md2html Replace .md with .html in links to local files (not used when serving). (default true)
--gm-attribute goldmark option: allows to define attributes on some elements. (default true)
--gm-auto-heading-id goldmark option: enables auto heading ids. (default true)
--gm-definition-list goldmark option: enables definition lists. (default true)
--gm-footnote goldmark option: enables footnotes. (default true)
--gm-linkify goldmark option: activates auto links. (default true)
--gm-strikethrough goldmark option: enables strike through. (default true)
--gm-table goldmark option: enables tables. (default true)
--gm-task-list goldmark option: enables task lists. (default true)
--gm-typographer goldmark option: activate punctuations substitution with typographic entities. (default true)
--gm-emoji goldmark option: enables (github) emojis 💪. (default true)
--gm-unsafe goldmark option: enables raw html. (default true)
--gm-hard-wraps goldmark option: render newlines as <br>.
--gm-xhtml goldmark option: render as XHTML.
--gm-highlighting string goldmark option: the code highlighting theme (empty string to disable).
Check github.com/alecthomas/chroma for theme names. (default "github")
--gm-line-numbers goldmark option: enable line numering for code highlighting.
-q, --quiet No errors and no info is printed. Return error code is still available.
-h, --help Print this help message.
For more usage information check the HOWTO documentation.
You can download the executable for your platform from the Releases.
$ go get github.com/kpym/gm
After cloning this repo you can compile the sources with goreleaser for all available platforms:
git clone https://github.com/kpym/gm.git .
goreleaser --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist
You will find the resulting binaries in the dist/