
A reminder system that ACTUALLY reminds you!!!

Primary LanguageRuby


TLDR - setup, still a Proof of Concept, it is UGLY

cd remindme
# edit `populate-reminders.rb` to populate the DB with things to remind you of
# there is no input UI yet.  I HIGHLY recommend that both the scheduler and the
# rails server run with TZ=UTC.  You will have to take that into account as you 
# edit populate-reminders.rb
$EDITOR populate-reminders.rb
# Create the database locally (sqlite file by default)
rake db:migrate
# populate the database with reminders
rails c < populate-reminders.rb
# start the rails server, on port 3001, leaving it running in the foreground for now.
TZ=UTC rails s -p 3001 -b
# start the scheduler, in the foreground:
TZ=UTC bin/scheduler


Yet Another Reminder App


Because there are *NO* *REMINDER* apps on the market!

The Hell you say!

My Perspective

I have ADHD, and I am extremely busy. A single "ding" and a 5 second popup that says "Eat Lunch", does me absolutely no good.

While there are many apps out there that call themselves "reminder apps" or "calendar/todo list managers" with "reminder" lists....

NONE of the more than 30 apps I tried ACTUALLY REMINDS you!!!

Two apps came close. BZ Reminder and Todoist both have something that is a little bit better than all the others. They try to notify you more than once, but use such polite, quiet tones, without even a popup window, that I never even noticed them when I was testing them (meaning I was waiting for said notification...) They also have unchangeable "snooze" times.

**_**Every time I get a popup reminder, I, being an adult, want to choose whether I snooze the reminder for 1 minute (I'm brushing my teeth), or 35 minutes (that's when my meeting will be over). I found NO tool with "on the fly/this time only" changeable snooze times.

Then what do you want??

MVP Features

MVP is "Minimum Viable Product".

This is a set of features that when they all are present, the tool/system/app is a useful tool.

And, the inverse is also true. If *any* of the MVP features are missing, then the tool/system/app is likely Not useful or even usable at all.

  • Runs on linux and macOS
  • Reminders can be set to repeat
    • daily
    • weekly
    • on certain days of the week
    • every two hours
    • 4 specific times a day
    • on the 3rd and 4th of the month (You're rent is overdue!)
    • and any combination of the above
    • (currently, the same settings that are used by cron...)
  • Popup reminder window
    • Gives you these 5 options:
      • Done.
        • Means "After the reminder popped up, I immediately did it")
      • Already Done.
        • Means that I had completed the item before the reminder)
      • Skip.
        • Means that have not done it and I'm not going too (it's 4:00 and the Eat Lunch reminder is still hoping I'll actually eat lunch)
      • Snooze
        • Will prompt you for how long to snooze for!
      • Pause Notifications
        • Will prompt you for how long to Not notify you for ANYTHING
          • Like you are eating, driving, in a meeting....
  • All NotificationAttempts data are stored in the database for future use when reporting is added.
    • so, when reports are added, they can show all the data from day one.

ASAP Features

These features will get done very soon after the MVP features (i.e., these are planned, and will appear as soon as possible):

  • Cascading reminders (rather than words, here's an example:
    • 'Eat Lunch - 12:00 daily'
      • 'Brush your teeth'
        • reminder fires 30 minutes after 'Eat Lunch' is marked Done.
      • 'Handle the Dishes'
        • fires 5 minutes after 'Brush your teeth' is marked Done.
  • Popup reminder window
    • doesn't steal your keyboard focus
    • waits until you've been inactive (mouse and keyboard) for 5 seconds
    • realizes when you aren't actively typing or mousing for a long while, and assumes that you aren't at that computer
  • Run on a phone
  • Run on Windows

Later on features

  • Reports based on how many times for any given item, you:
    • snoozed it, and for how long
    • whether you did it when reminded
    • or did it before you were reminded!! :-)
    • or you skipped it. :-(