title | author | date | geometry | output |
Nearly Functional Python |
Will Ware |
Nov 2, 2023 |
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This repository contains some ideas to make Python as nearly FP as possible, with some example code. I call it "nearly" functional because you can't really do "pure functional" code in Python.
The academic stuff
- Lambda calculus invented by Alonzo Church in 1936
- Turing machines invented by Alan Turing around the same time
- The Church-Turing thesis states that these are equivalent, what we now call "Turing complete"
- Haskell Curry observes a similarity between computer programs and mathematical proofs, and formalizes it as the Curry-Howard correspondence, advancing the field of formal verification
- Coq is a software proof assistant. It has a nice little tutorial.
The programming stuff
- Lisp developed at MIT in 1958
- Standard ML developed in 1983
- OCaml - see Michael Clarkson's book
- Haskell - probably the deepest academically, see Miran Lipovaca's book
- Rust - see the Rust book
Why am I interested in FP for Python? I work on a big legacy system, weirdly architected, much of it written in Python 2.7. It's a dumping ground for peoples' mistakes and learning curve, many of those mistakes my own. I've moved pieces of the system to Python 3, which is great. But the more I read about FP and its benefits, and see them confirmed in my own experience, the better I feel about FP.
As engineers, we all want to write clean correct code that doesn't smell bad. We all want to build reliable systems that don't crash frequently. FP is a powerful set of tools to assist in that goal.
Michael Clarkson is a brilliant OCaml guy at Cornell (textbook, videos) who has done a lot of advocacy for FP. He is deeply rooted in its theory, history and underpinnings, but has a very sensible rounded view of it. He is versed in the theory without getting lost in it. He understands why it's important to write bullet-proof code in a world that needs a lot more bullet-proof code. He's smart and articulate and a good writer and those videos represent a ton of work. In addition to the Cornell OCaml course he has also worked on theorem provers, formally provable software correctness, Coq, all that good stuff that historically set the direction for FP.
A "side effect" means that a function either uses or modifies state information outside its own definition. For instance it reads or writes a global variable, or it performs some system action like printing or logging or a database query. Or some other piece of code elsewhere can change something the function expects to use, leading to unpredictability. In a "pure" functional language, these side effects do not or cannot happen, generally by the way the language is designed.
Side effects are responsible for most of the world's software bugs. Every side effect raises the risk level that code is buggy. Every side effect makes a function much more difficult to test exhaustively. It raises the cognitive load involved in writing correct code.
Side effects also make the compiler's job harder, and greatly magnifies the risk of concurrency bugs like race conditions, deadlocks, and memory corruption. If code is free of side effects then the compiler can do smarter optimizations.
Practically, Python can't really function as a pure functional language. It would have needed to be designed that way from its early history. And some side effects are less harmful than others, such as printing or logging.
One good strategy is to confine side effects to a known region of the code. For instance, write your code as large pure functional libraries, which get called from wrapper scripts where side effects are permitted.
Most of the later principles exist in the service of this first principle of minimizing side effects.
This is a feature already baked into Python. Once defined, a function may be assigned to a variable or passed to another function as an argument.
This has a number of implications. There are libraries for making use of them.
The idea here is that once first assigned, a "variable" should be treated as a constant. It should never be reassigned for the entire time it remains in scope.
In Python, this property is frequently referred to as "frozen", and various resources provide this. For instance, instead of dicts, lists, and sets, you can use frozendict, frozenlist, and frozenset.
Both pydantic models and dataclasses can be frozen.
It would be cool to write a pylint checker that detects and flags variable reassignment. Some day...
Here is some advice on how to update legacy code with typing hints.
Liberally use type hints.
Use mypy –strict
pyright and,
ruff for linting and to
approximate static typing.
From Wikipedia:
A general algebraic data type is a possibly recursive sum type of product types. Each constructor tags a product type to separate it from others, or if there is only one constructor, the data type is a product type.
An example from StackOverflow:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Point:
x: float
y: float
class Circle:
x: float
y: float
r: float
class Rectangle:
x: float
y: float
w: float
h: float
Shape = Point | Circle | Rectangle
This has been available in Python since version 3.10 (1, 2). Pattern matching may look like just a switch statement, and goodness knows that's long overdue in Python. But it's more. In Python it's called structural pattern matching because it can match a data structure or class instance as well as a primitive value, and then internals of the structure can be used in the code for that case. Here's an example.
class Point:
x: int
y: int
points = ...something...
match points:
case []:
print("No points")
case [Point(0, 0)]:
print("The origin")
case [Point(x, y)]:
print(f"Single point {x}, {y}") # using x and y
case [Point(0, y1), Point(0, y2)]:
print(f"Two on the Y axis at {y1}, {y2}")
case _:
print("Something else")
When I first started hearing about iterators, it was as a trick to conserve memory: a way to iterate thru a sequence of values without keeping all the values in memory, for instance in a list. This is done by maintaining enough state to generate the sequence.
Iterators can be faster than stepping thru a list or other data structure. They can also enable computations that aren't practical because the list would consume too much memory.
- A Pycon talk about iterators and lazy evaluation.
- Why it's useful
Example from the itertools
from itertools import *
def nth(iterable, n, default=None):
"Returns the nth item or a default value"
return next(
islice(iterable, n, None),
c = count(1)
nth(c, 999) ==> 1000
Haskell also has iterators. Infinite lists are possible because of lazy evaluation: Haskell only evaluates things when it needs to. So you can ask for the 1000th element of a list and Haskell will oblige. The syntax is more concise than Python.
[1..] !! 999 -- 1000
We can filter an iterator before applying a very laborious operation, and thereby avoid doing that computation on elements that we don't care about.
from itertools import *
c = count(1) # this is an infinite iterator
def divisible_by_100(n):
return (n % 100) == 0
def very_laborious_computation(n):
return n + 1
it1 = filter(divisible_by_100, c)
it2 = map(very_laborious_computation, it1)
# it2 is still infinite...
for x in islice(it2, 4):
# 101
# 201
# 301
# 401
Python uses the word "generator" to mean "intentionally constructed iterator". Nothing very tricky here, not a lot of new content beyond the earlier section on iterators.
The simplest way to create a generator is using a comprehension.
g = (i for i in range(1000))
next(g) # 0
next(g) # 1
The next simplest thing is to write a function using yield
def make_gen():
for i in range(1000):
yield i
g = make_gen()
next(g) # 0
next(g) # 1
Finally, you can write a generator class.
class Fib:
def __init__(self):
self.a, self.b = 0, 1
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return_value = self.a
self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a+self.b
return return_value
f = Fib()
for i in range(3):
print(next(f)) # 0, 0, 1
The idea here is to "bury" some state so that it can inform a function but not be easily modified from the outside. Here are two ways to create a counter.
# as a generator
def make_counter_1():
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
yield count
c = make_counter_1()
next(c) # 1
next(c) # 2
This is just like the generators in the previous section. Arguably there is
"buried state" here, in the form of the counter
# as a function created with a closure
def make_counter_2():
count = 0
def counter():
nonlocal count
count += 1
return count
return counter
c = make_counter_2()
c() # 1
c() # 2
In the second case, the "buried state" is again the counter
variable. But
we could have defined multiple functions that access counter
in different
ways and interact with one another. For instance, we could have defined a
variable for an account balance, and created functions for deposit
. We'd need to think about thread safety. It allows communication
between these different functions.
If you agree not to use side effects, and let a function's return value depend only upon its arguments, then you can save up past results in a dictionary so that if you see them again, you alread have an answer. You burn some memory to save potentially a ton of time that would be spent re-computing the result.
This is such a useful thing that, before Python 3, I had rolled my own Python 2 implementation. But in Python 3, it's in the standard libraries.
Remember you may want to put a bound on the size of the cache.
This decorator uses an unbounded cache. Use with caution.
from functools import cache
def factorial(n):
return n * factorial(n-1) if n else 1
>>> factorial(10) # no previously cached result, makes 11 recursive calls
>>> factorial(5) # just looks up cached value result
>>> factorial(12) # makes two new recursive calls, the other 10 are cached
Here we have a maxsize
argument (the number of elements) to put an upper bound on the
size of the cache.
from functools import cache
def factorial(n):
return n * factorial(n-1) if n else 1
People do write monads in Python (1, 2). I'm just not sure how useful they are. I probably need to learn more about them.
Somebody somewhere wrote:
Monads are a way of structuring code that can be used to implement many of the other functional programming idioms. They are a powerful tool that can be used to make code more concise, elegant, and correct.
Oy vey. Clear as mud.
My impression is that the purpose of a monad is to enable an otherwise "pure" value
(something simple like an integer or a string) to carry some additional "metadata" a bit
like NaN
or None
in an otherwise un-nullable value, or some diagnostics, or even to
do something non-functional like write to a log file under some circumstance. And then
you have machinery that allows you to somehow pass this monad into functions written for
the pure value, without breaking everything.
I'm probably missing a lot in that way of thinking. I think you don't really need monads, you can accomplish the same things in ways that are better understood. Maybe some day I'll find myself re-inventing monads and hopefully make my way back here to find out how to do it right.
Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.
The monad itself is defined in another article on Medium. The usages give the idea of whether it's useful. What the monad allows us to do is to chain function calls, while letting a bogus result pass thru without breaking the pipeline.
def add_one(x):
return x + 1
def double(x):
return x * 2
result = Maybe(3).bind(add_one).bind(double)
print(result) # Just 8
result = Maybe(None).bind(add_one).bind(double)
print(result) # Nothing
result = Maybe(None).bind(add_one).bind(double).orElse(10)
print(result) # Just 10
result = Maybe(None) | Maybe(1)
print(result) # Just 1
The idea here is that each function actually only takes one argument, and any function that appears to take more than one is actually constructed from a chain of single-argument functions. This sticks closer to the ideas from formal lambda calculus, and does have some interesting and useful consequences. Python doesn't work this way, but it includes partial application, one of those consequences.
Recursion isn't something I use a lot. Ordinarily it has a problem: every time a function calls itself, you have a new stack frame, and it becomes very easy to chew up too much memory very quickly.
This is a hack for accomplishing something like a for-loop when you don't have variables that can be reassigned. It's a form of recursion that doesn't consume additional stack space. Again, academically interesting, and it can be done in Python, but it's not idiomatic or terribly useful. You're allowed mutable variables in Python, just use them sparingly.
An example of tail recursion would look like this. Notice that helper
makes a call to itself in its last line, with only a change in the value
of the arguments. At run-time, Python can re-use the same stack frame, just
plugging those new values into the argument slots. Voila, instant for-loop.
def factorial(n):
def helper(product, n):
if n < 2:
return product
return helper(product * n, n - 1)
return helper(1, n)
Tail recursion can also be done using a decorator approach.
class recurse:
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.args = args
self.kw = kw
def tail_recursive(f):
from functools import wraps
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
while True:
res = f(*args, **kw)
if isinstance(res, recurse):
args = res.args
kw = res.kw
return res
return wrapper
def factorial(n, prod=1):
if n == 0:
return prod
return recurse(n - 1, n * prod)
Is tail recursion better than a for-loop? It is if you're trying to stick to FP principles. In any given stack frame, the variables never need to be reassigned. There's no mutable loop variable. That said, it's much slower than a for-loop, so it depends on your priorities. If you need the performance, permit yourself a mutable loop variable. Just keep that loop variable private -- mutable variables contained entirely within their defining function can still avoid side effects.
Maybe one day, I get super-ambitious, and fork the Python interpreter and try to implement baked-in tail recursion. Maybe then it performs on par with a for-loop. I think the chances of that happening are pretty darn small. Not really much of a priority for me.