
Forked from https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27390-mesh-voxelisation

Primary LanguageMATLABBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Forked from original code posted at https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27390-mesh-voxelisation


  • Primary functionality contained in Raster class.
    • To use, create a Grid object from three grid vectors (formerly gridX, gridY, gridZ).
    • Create an FV-struct, possibly from read_stl().
    • Choose ray directions, default is 'xyz'.
    • Create the Raster object as Raster(grid, fv, rays).
    • The previous gridOUTPUT is contained in the interior property of the Raster object.
    • There is also a faces property, which is a table of faces crossed by rays, and the voxel the crossing occurred in as a linear index.
    • There is also a normals property, which is a table like faces, but contains the x, y, and z coordinates of unit normal vectors for each face, as well as the ray direction the crossing occurred for.
    • The example has been improved to show off these new features.
    • Primary functionality is now about 2-3 times faster, but allocates 2-5 times as much memory.
  • read_stl() was improved.
    • Binary files are now fully buffered, and a vectorized approach is used using new fread() typecasting functionality.
    • ASCII files have improved vectorization, and use string arrays for improved code readability.
  • compute_normals() was vectorized, and the vertex winding fix was refactored into its own function, fix_vertex_ordering().
  • CONVERT_mesh_format() was renamed convert_triangle_geometry_format() and the interface was simplified.
    • Passing an FV-struct returns an Nx3x3 (like the old meshXYZ).
    • Passing an array of faces and array of vertices returns an Nx3x3.
    • Passing an Nx3x3 returns an FV-struct.

Original readme below.

  • VOXELISE.m modified by William Warriner 19 July 2019 to fix edge intersection issue.

Polygon mesh voxelisation

Adam H. Aitkenhead adam.aitkenhead@christie.nhs.uk The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Voxelise a closed (ie. watertight) triangular-polygon mesh. The mesh can be in one of several formats: in an STL file; in a structure containing the faces and vertices data; in three 3xN arrays containing the x,y,z coordinates; or in a single Nx3x3 array defining the vertex coordinates for each of the N facets.


[gridOUTPUT,gridCOx,gridCOy,gridCOz] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,STLin,raydirection) ...or... [gridOUTPUT,gridCOx,gridCOy,gridCOz] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,meshFV,raydirection) ...or... [gridOUTPUT,gridCOx,gridCOy,gridCOz] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,meshX,meshY,meshZ,raydirection) ...or... [gridOUTPUT,gridCOx,gridCOy,gridCOz] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,meshXYZ,raydirection)


gridX   - Mandatory - 1xP array     - List of the grid X coordinates. 
                      OR an integer - Number of voxels in the grid in the X direction.

gridY   - Mandatory - 1xQ array     - List of the grid Y coordinates.
                      OR an integer - Number of voxels in the grid in the Y direction.

gridZ   - Mandatory - 1xR array     - List of the grid Z coordinates.
                      OR an integer - Number of voxels in the grid in the Z direction.

STLin   - Optional - string      - Filename of the STL file.

meshFV  - Optional - structure   - Structure containing the faces and vertices of the mesh, in the same format as that produced by the isosurface command.

meshX   - Optional - 3xN array   - List of the mesh X coordinates for the 3 vertices of each of the N facets
meshY   - Optional - 3xN array   - List of the mesh Y coordinates for the 3 vertices of each of the N facets
meshZ   - Optional - 3xN array   - List of the mesh Z coordinates for the 3 vertices of each of the N facets

meshXYZ - Optional - Nx3x3 array - The vertex positions for each facet, with:
                                   1 row for each facet
                                   3 columns for the x,y,z coordinates
                                   3 pages for the three vertices

raydirection - Optional - String - Defines in which directions the
                                   ray-tracing is performed.  The
                                   default is 'xyz', which traces in
                                   the x,y,z directions and combines
                                   the results.


gridOUTPUT - Mandatory - PxQxR logical array - Voxelised data (1=>Inside the mesh, 0=>Outside the mesh)

gridCOx    - Optional - 1xP array - List of the grid X coordinates.
gridCOy    - Optional - 1xQ array - List of the grid Y coordinates.
gridCOz    - Optional - 1xR array - List of the grid Z coordinates.


To voxelise an STL file:
>>  [gridOUTPUT] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,STLin)

To voxelise a mesh defined by a structure containing the faces and vertices:
>>  [gridOUTPUT] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,meshFV)

To voxelise a mesh where the x,y,z coordinates are defined by three 3xN arrays:
>>  [gridOUTPUT] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,meshX,meshY,meshZ)

To voxelise a mesh defined by a single Nx3x3 array:
>>  [gridOUTPUT] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,meshXYZ)

To also output the lists of X,Y,Z coordinates:
>>  [gridOUTPUT,gridCOx,gridCOy,gridCOz] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,STLin)

To use ray-tracing in only the z-direction:
>>  [gridOUTPUT] = VOXELISE(gridX,gridY,gridZ,STLin,'z')


  • Defining raydirection='xyz' means that the mesh is ray-traced in each of the x,y,z directions, with the overall result being a combination of the result from each direction. This gives the most reliable result at the expense of computation time.
  • Tracing in only one direction (eg. raydirection='z') is faster, but can potentially lead to artefacts if rays exactly cross a facet edge.


  • This code uses a ray intersection method similar to that described by: Patil S and Ravi B. Voxel-based representation, display and thickness analysis of intricate shapes. Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/CG 2005)