IoT Hackathon 2019

Installation Guides

Each team received a box of hardware, including two separate micro-controllers (Azure Sphere or Feather Huzzah) as well as sensors, leds, wires, etc. The installation guides for both micro-controller are listed below.

Azure Sphere Hardware Installation

Installation Guide for Windows 10 machines:

Installation Guide for Mac OS machines:

AdaFruit Hardware Installation

Hardware + What to Install

In addition to the Microsoft Azure Sphere, we also have hardware available from Adafruit (hardware list).

You will need to install the Arduino IDE to program the device. Depending on your operating system, you may require drivers for the Feather HUZZAH. Follow the instructions here to install drivers and run the Blink Test and the Connecting via WiFi to make sure your system and WiFi are set up correctly.

Install Steps

These instructions largely follow You can find more details and screenshots there.

  1. Install the CP2104 VCP Drivers (not necessary for Linux):
  2. Install the Arduino IDE:
  1. Run Blink Code
  • File > Examples > ESP8266 > Blink
  • Click Verify (If you don’t have a device)
  • Click Upload (If you do have a device)

Adafruit has several setup tutorials, videos, and articles available to help you familiarize yourself with the platform.


Please make sure you sign up for the WWCode Portland Slack community and join the #hackathon-2019 channel.