
Visual Basic Projects

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


Visual Basic Projects Craigslist Ad Poster Version 1.0 Created 09/15/2017 Author: William D. Wells

Installation Instructions

  1. Run the SeleniumWrapperSetup and install into pre-selected folder. Warning: Changing the installation folder could result in error.
  2. Once installed, navigate to installation folder. Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\SeleniumWrapper
  3. Open the included chromedriver folder. Drag & Drop the chromedriver into the SeleniumWrapper Folder. The system will ask you if you want to replace chromedriver. Select yes.
  4. Open Craigslist Ad Poster Excel Workbook
  5. Enable Macros when asked to do so. Note: This option is provided in a Security Warning, click options, Enable Content, Continue.
  6. Fill-out Excel sheet cells that are highlighted red with the correct information.
  7. Picture link setup is tedious but must be done carefully. It is best to keep all photos in one folder.
  8. Navigate to the first picture you would like uploaded. All photos will be uploaded in the order they are listed in the Excel Sheet.
  9. All links must have the Drive letter followed by the sub folders all the way to the photo itself. This is called the absolute path. Ex: C:\Users\SENTRE Partners\Desktop\Craigslist Ad Photos\Kitchen - SS (Showing Fridge) - Downstairs.jpg
  10. Continue steps 8 & 9 until 24 pictures have been chosen. Warning: Not selecting 24 photos will result in error.
  11. Click on the Post Craigslist Ad. Note: Running the Craigslist Ad Poster for the 1st time may require admin approvals.
  12. Once the program finishes, you will be asked to review the post. Take this time to look over the ad, or go back to rearrange photos.
  13. Finalize Posting in Craigslist.
  14. Close all windows including the Black CMD Window.